Day in the Life

Mar 28, 1894

Journal Entry

March 28, 1894 ~ Wednesday

28 I spent the day in the office & Attended to the
business of the same several called upon us


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Letter from Lorenzo Waldram, 28 March 1894

North Ogden, Utah, Our Responsibility Ceases when we obtain the Railroad Company's Receipt. No Claim will be allowed unless made immediately after Receipt of Goods. Beloved President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother I write hoping to find you well as this leaves me Thank God please forgive me in writing you for advice our Daughter agnes Brunker is a widdow left with 4 children her husband Died 2 years ago leaveing one child one month old one 2 years one 4 years one 11 the mother has gone out washing 1 2 & 3 days per week this industry has fallen away she has no means to sustain the children she applied to Bishop Walace and he has advised her to leave these children night and day Distributed amongst those unable to care for them a baby not 2 years old and the mother in Ogden 6 miles away we are also unable to help aney more and the mothers is at the age of 73 my age is 69 and is full of Loss and that the Girl is forced away from her Destitute children such is the case we have suported and son Lorenzo Waldram 2 years on mission in England also in Jail in Salt Lake City with George Q. Cannon untill we cannot do more our circumstances will not permit us going through the Temple of the lord to be sealed to Each other in Eternity as the lord knows we desire but cannot get there and dare not apply your Truly Lorenzo B. and Maria M. Waldram we shall be pleased to be answered

Letter from George Thomas Taylor, 28 March 1894

Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. I received the notification on the 24 inst. to go on a mission to the Southern States on the 7th of July. In reply will say that I am willing to go & do the best I can. I have not got the means at present but think I can get it by the time appointed. From Your Brother in the Gospel Geo. T. Taylor. Am. Fork. Utah. Bishop W. D Robinson All right J. F. S.

Letter from William Davis Robinson, 28 March 1894

Pres' Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Bengdt Rawflfson of this place who is called to perform a mission to the Southern states (to start on July 7th,) will be on hand at the time appointed He is off herding Sheep for to raise money to take him to his destination he intends to go, we will forward to him the notice of his appointment He is trust-worthy and can be relied upon Res[pectfully] your Brother W D Robinson All right. J. F. S.

Telegram from Charles William Stayner, 28 March 1894

211 Dm Ko 10 Paid NM RECEIVED at SALT LAKE, UTAH 134a Dated Washington DC 27 To Hon Wilford Woodruff Prests Office Desire return Conference will transfer Stout there send means transportation Chas W Stayner All right. Send him a ticket & what may be needed for ordinary expenses. Prest over

Letter to Daniel Duncan McArthur, 28 March 1894

read: "Salt Lake City. . Prest D. D. McArthur, St George Stake of Zion. Dear Brother: Having carefully examined the papers sent us by you in the case of Bro. John Wilkinson, of Leeds, tried before the High Council of the St George Stake of Zion, 2nd of December, 1893 on the charge of preaching false doctrine, in that he taught the principle of re-incarnation of the spirits of mankind, &c, which idea he still maintains and upholds, we hereby affirm and

Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 28 March 1894

Dearest Father, Mother, Sister's & Home Recd this morning two letters from Pa, one from Alice, & also Blanche, as I wr[ote] [page cut off] you only a day or so ago, will not attempt to answe[r] [page cut off] at present singly but collectivly. I must say Alice's letter pleased me & was the most witty of any I have yet received. Allow me to compliment her on he[r] [page cut off] letter writing. Sister Blanche was also the auther of a letter & it is useless to say Pa's was pleasing indeed to me as his letters are allways so much appreciate[d.] [page cut off] Sister Blanche was very presumptious in thinking Al[bert] [page cut off] Romney would see all of us boys, as it is like one going from here to America and calling on the President in Washington & the President in Salt Lake. Of course we boy's are not quite that bad[ly] [page cut off] scattered because Deutschland is not large enoug[h] [page cut off] or I have no doubt we would be located farther apart than we are. Pa asked me for the address of the boy's. The best way to do for people who do not expect to write too often to send our mail all to 36 Postgasse, Bern, Schweig. The Presidency there always know just where we a[re] [page cut off] and though it takes about two days longer it i[s] [page cut off] better to give this address to my friends, outside th[e] [page cut off] family, & when you write the boys, write to tha[t] [page cut off]

Letter from Mathonihah Thomas, 28 March 1894

President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: I am now ready to fill my mission to the Southern States, postponed from Jany. 20, [18]94, and await your earliest pleasure. I remain your Brother in the Gospel. Mathonihah Thomas J M Secrist Bishop John W. Hess All right J. F. S.


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Wilford receives revelation regarding sealing practices and the Law of Adoption.

Mar 28, 1894