Day in the Life

Jun 21, 1894

Journal Entry

June 21, 1894 ~ Thursday

21. I spent the forenoon in the office the Afternon in
the Temple Attended to considerable business


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Letter from C. J. Jensen, 21 June 1894

Mt Pleasant, . President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Your communication of the 19th inst, was received last night, and contents noted. In reply I wish to say that during the past two years I have attended school a great portion of the time, to do which I sold my only piece of proper ty; also borrowed considerable money, all of which is unpaid, and on which I pay interest. I have a wife and two children, who, if I were to accept the appointment; would be left homeless and without means

Letter to Abraham Owen Woodruff, 21 June 1895

S L City My Dear Owen The family have received Letters from you a few days since, concerning your journey with Dr Snow it has been so long since We heard from him that I don't know where He is Now. I will write to Day to Brother Lund & Naegle I don't know that I wrote to Lund before upon the subject but I will to day We are trying to raise Money for you we Dont know what it will cost I understand that Ovando will send you some $80 dollars to day & understand him to say He sent you $40 a short time since, of course I do not know what it will cost you on that trip. Leslie has been gone a long time & I dont know where He is. We have Just returned from a fishing trip at Carters ranch up provo Canyon staid 3 days I might as Well say now as any time that I am on the sick List Am suffering vary much with the Asthma & Diziness I start Monday for San Francisco with Mother Clara Blanche & Alice I am in

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash to E 50 girl $3 girl $3 (28) 56

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

{shorthand} Tithg $20 Valley House $130 150


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Jun 21, 1894