Day in the Life

Jul 30, 1894

Journal Entry

July 30, 1894 ~ Monday

30 I went to the office & Met with much company
J McAllister & F Farnsworth Met with us to get
some instruction concerning Endowments

Mrs Anie May Abbott & Husband called upon us and
Exhibited her peculiar strength & power in lifting
several Men while she a small woman weighing 90 lbs
the gift came upon her in childhood

A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to day. Cannon & Grant company
Met at the office we received a long important Letter
from General Clarkson Moses Thatcher vary sick


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2285 mentions
Grant, Heber Jeddy
22 Nov 1856 - 14 May 1945
276 mentions
Clarkson, James Sullivan
17 May 1842 - 30 May 1918
McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
663 mentions
Farnsworth, Moses Franklin
5 Feb 1834 - 25 Feb 1906
446 mentions


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Letter from Reuben Gardner, 30 July 1894

Pine Valley, . Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Box B. S. L. C. Dear Bro: Last spring I received a note asking if I could be in S L City in Sept. to start on a mission to Gt. Britain I answered in the affirmative, but have rec'd no reply as to the date I was to start. Your correspondence simply stated to be there in Sept. hence am at a loss to know what part of Sept. to start. Please forward me the required information and oblige Yours, Bro, Reuben Gardner.

Letter from Morgan E. A. Lasley, 30 July 1894

Ashland Oregon July 30th 1894 Prest' Later Day Saints Salt Lake, Utah Dr Sir & Brother I write You for a little advice but will state first a few facts. I joined the L. D. Saints at Red Creek Utah in July 18879, transfered to Snowflake Irazona. Then in July 1880 went to Colorado to take care of ^my^ aged parents, took my letter from Bishop Hunt There being no Saints in Greeley Colo I joined the Methodist (but that organisation does not suit me) In Colo I married, there my Father and Mother died, My wife's health failed I brought her to this co^a^ste, now all being in ixcellent heath I desire to return to Utah and make a home among some of the many towns of Northern or Central Utah. I am a Mattress maker and upholsterer doing

Letter from Andrew Kimball, 30 July 1894

Salt Lake . To the First Presidency and Missionary Committee, City. Dear Brethren: I understand that Elders William Newman of Ogden and Daniel Stephens of Fillmore have expressed desires to go to Europe or some other field than Indian Territory. They are both bright, well informed young men and I believe with sufficient backing to enable them to go to any part of the world. Men with less means will do for our field. I do not believe it a good policy to send Elders where it is distasteful to them. In the consideration of the above, and having sufficient elders for this fall I recommend that your drop their names from the I T. list and if desirable use them else where. Very Respctfully Andrew Kimball

Letter from Joseph I. Reid, 30 July 1894

Burlington, . Pres. Woodrull, S. L. City Utah Dear Brother, During the last two years there has been quite an emigration into the Big Horn basin, of our people, in search of homes. There is plenty of nice level land here and plenty of water and most all who come here are pretty well satisfied with the country and have taken them up a home. The greatest thing bothering the people is that there is no school nor no organization of the church here. Some are

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Sundries $25 shoeing Horce $4 {shorthand} $6 35


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Jul 30, 1894