Day in the Life

Sep 21, 1894

Journal Entry

September 21, 1894 ~ Friday

21. I spent the day in Presidents A O Smoots offic
with G. Q. Cannon Frank J. Cannon Wm W Cluff &
N Clayton in attending to Gen Clarkson & I Trumbo Business


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
584 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Cannon, Franklin Jenne
25 Jan 1859 - 25 Jul 1933
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2259 mentions
Clarkson, James Sullivan
17 May 1842 - 30 May 1918
Cluff, William Wallace
8 Mar 1832 - 21 Aug 1915
66 mentions


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Letter from Joseph C. Knowles, 21 September 1894

Logan, Utah, Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro will it meet your approval if apostl M. W. Merrill is nominated and I might say Elected one of the deligates to the Constitutional Convention on the Republican Ticket, we feel that he is one of the strongest men that we have and his name would be a power to the party in this county and a man that is well Qualified to fill the possssion with Honor to the people of Utah, hopeing to get a favorable answer at your Earliest oppertunity I remain your humble servant J. C. Knowles Chairman Cache Co Republicatn Committie [sideways text] J. C. Knowles Sept. 21 [18]94. [end of sideways text]

Letter from Emanual Hoff, 21 September 1894

First Presidency of the church of Jesus Christ Latter-day-saints Dear brethren Your favor of Sept 15 came too hand, and in answer to the same, will say that I am willing to accept the call, and I am willing to do the best that I can, and if I have my strength and health, that I will be on hand, at the time mentioned to be at Provo to report to Bro Cluff Your brother in the gospel Emanuel Hoff

Letter from Arthur Lloyd Thomas and Laurence B. Ridgely, 21 September 1894

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff At a meeting held to adopt a plan for organizing the Charities of the city, the following Constitution was adopted, and the Secretary was ordered to send copies to you and other persons with the request that, if it meets your approval, you would yourself become a charter member, and also do all in your power to induce others to join the Association as charter members. It is also asked that you will take steps at once to elect or ap- point delegates to the Council, as provided in Article IV. of the Constitu- tion, namely: Two persons to represent your Society, or the whole body of the Christians of your denomination in this City, as the case may be (not two delegates from each congregation). The meeting of the Council for organization will be held on Thurs- day, the 27th inst., at 7:30 p.m., at No. 19 West First South Street, the Rooms of Mr. Simon, and as it is greatly to be desired that the work should begin effectively and at once, and with all charitable workers represented, you are earnestly urged to give the matter your attention at once. Very truly yours, In the service of the Society, ARTHUR L. THOMAS, Chairman. LAURENCE B. RIDGELY, Secretary.

Letter from James Thomas, 21 September 1894

Stockton, Cal., President Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Sir: Yours bearing date Aug 22nd also of Sept 8th all to hand, and in reply to the latter, would say that we accept the favour regards Tabernacle. And will D. V. occupy the same on night of 13th of December and abide by your rules governing the same. Please accept thanks proffered on behalf of our movement. And personally I am very gratefull indeed. I am Respct, Yours to serve Christ Jas. Thomas Staff Captain


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Sep 21, 1894