Day in the Life

Jan 17, 1895

Journal Entry

January 17, 1895 ~ Thursday

Jan 17, 1895

We granted the use of the Tabernacle for lecture of the charitable
institution for the Benefit of the poor Joseph F. Smith and
Myself met with the Twelve in the Temple And the subject
An arrow of Moses Thatcher was called up whare he had preached
in Bear Lake a political Discourse concerning Brother
Merrill. it was represented that Brother Thatcher had made
a statement about Brother Merrill which was false & Brother
Thatcher now wrote a Letter contradicting theis statement
There was a Party in the Farmers ward Meeting House
to night Nearly all the family Attended Except
my self I sat up till 12 oclok & slept but little during
the night I have not slept well of Late nights. I was
weighed to day & weighed 191 lbs which is to much for health


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Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4143 mentions
Merrill, Marriner Wood
25 Sep 1832 - 6 Feb 1906
164 mentions
446 mentions


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Letter from M. V. Tate, 17 January 1895
President Wilford Woodruff Esteemed Bro. Enclosed you will find One hundred and twenty dollars (or money order for same) $100. of which you will please place in Zion`s Savings Bank & Trust Company: and have me proper showing sent for same, and the remaining twenty dollars I send for Tithing. Not knowing who to send my tithing to is the reason why I send the whole amount to you, and I trust you will excuse me for bothering you. And I pray to God that I may, before the
Letter from William Haston Wardle, 17 January 1895
West Jordan Jan 17 1895 Wilford Woodruff President of the church of Jesus Crist of Latter Day Saints. It is with regret that I answer your's of the 11 which I have at hand in the folling lanuaage it appears at present that it will be inconvenien for me tho fill my apointeement tho the Sithren Southren States on the first of June oweing to f my financial condition although knowing that it is my duty to preach the princple of the Gosple in the nation of the earth as a witness of my Creator I place my self in the hands of hewenly father and his severents to do as you think best your


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

Jan 17, 1895