Day in the Life

Feb 1, 1895

Journal Entry

February 01, 1895 ~ Friday

Feb 1. I called uppon Julia Woodruff, Wilford
wife she is dangerous sick I called upon Dr
Benedits to visit her Afterwards President Cannn
& J F Smith Accompanied me to Wilfords House & we all
administerd to her but she was bloated to a terrible extent
Julia Woodruff wife of Wilford Woodruff ^Jr^ Died at
10.30 oclock Friday night Aged 38 years 8 M[onths] & 26 days

Feb 1, 1895
A coffin Julia Spencer Woodruff
Died 10.30 Feb 1, 1895
Aged 38 years 8 M[onths] & 26 Days


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2284 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4142 mentions
Benedict, Joseph Mott
29 Apr 1844 - 24 Jul 1896
Woodruff, Julia Spencer
6 May 1856 - 1 Feb 1895
37 mentions
Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
722 mentions

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Letter from Benjamin Cluff Jr., 1 February 1895

Provo, Utah, . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: We are making an effort to collect a Theological Library for the Academy, and would like to ask the Presidency if there would be any objection to our receiving books from other denominations. I believe we could obtain the works of most all of the denominations, including the Catholic, as pres- idents to the Academy, if you think it wise to accept them. Our school is in good working order at present. We have so large an attendance that we were forced to rent another building, across the street west from the present one, in which we have placed the Kindergarten and the Music department. The enrollment exclusive of the Kindergarten pupils, is about 830. With kindest regards to yourself and counsellors, I remain, Very respectfully your brother in the gospel, B. Cluff, Jr.

Letter from Joseph Robert Meservy, 1 February 1895

Wilford, Idaho. Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brother: Have received your letter inform- ing me about the call made of me to be in Salt Lake City by the 13th Apr. next preparatory of a mis- sion to Switzerland and Germany Your request shall be faithfully complied with if I can possibly raise the means. Would be happy if the Church could give me a temporary position in which a small sum could be earned towards defraying traveling expenses to my field of labor. Am somewhat conversant with church business methods, {am also a phonographer} Your brother in the Gospel. Joseph R. Meservy This should be answered, as to the employment. I don't know any thing he can do. J. F. S.

Letter from William Gardner, 1 February 1895

Richfield, Utah, Wilford Woodruff, Pres. Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.S., Dear Bro; Received your litho of recent date notifying me of my acceptance by you as a missionary to the Southern States. I am pleased to be deemed worthy of the call and would respond at once if financial circumstances would permit. Being the oldest of a large family, I have felt it my duty and have assisted my father in maintaining them, untill two years ago when I took my share of the debts which the family were then owing, and began working for myself. I located a farm of University Land which has since come into market and for which I am obligated to make annual payments of $12500 for the next four years. My farm is in such condition that it needs some improvements in order to make it pay its way during my absence. I am obligated at the present time to the amount of $35000, including this years

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, February 1895

Letter from Orville Cobbley, 1 February 1896

Provo Utah Co, Utah First Presidency, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brotherin: I was call- ed as you were awair to take the Y.M.M. I.A. Normal Course, and excepted the Call with pleasure, and have fulfiled the Course to the best of my ability thus far and have been verrie much Intrestied and have learned a greadeal. But about eight weeks ago my Father had the misfortun of getting his leg verrie badley Sprained and the docter says probabley he will hafto stay of from it a year, and their is no one hat home to do the work, and it is for this reason

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 1 February 1895

Rexburg, Idaho, Prest. W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, Our Stake Conference will be held Sunday and Monday Feb 10 and 11 in Rexburg. We would be very pleased to see any of the Brethren you may send to visit us at that time. If you will kindly inform us when they will reach Market Lake we will have conveyance waiting. There is one Bishop to ordain Your Brethren in the Gospel T E Ricks Bro. Gibbs- Please see to this-for Thursday next- J. F. S. [sideways text] T. E. Ricks Feb. 1 [18]95. [end of sideways text]


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

Feb 1, 1895