Letter to Evan Stephens and members of the Tabernacle Choir, 14 February 1895
To Conductor Evan Stephens,
and the Members of the Tabernacle Choir,
DEAR BRETHREN AND SISTERS:—The following memoranda express, in part,
our wishes and feelings with regard to yourselves and the important work placed
in your hands:
First.—Members of the Tabernacle choir are really acting as missionaries,
called for their special work, their duties being to give the necessary time for
training and practice, and their services on the Sabbath, on on other occasions as
required by their Conductors.
Second.—Being called especially to this work, all other duties of a public
nature should be secondary. None should be under obligations to perform any
other public duty which would conflict with their duties in this choir, unless first
released from the choir.
Third.—All those called to this work should be faithful in their attendance,
and should give hearty and cheerful aid to their conductors; complying, as far as
possible with the plans and movements deemed necessary to the choir's proper
advancement towards perfection in the "Divine Art," which cannot be attained
without united effort and perfect discipline.
Fourth.—The members may feel assured that any and all movements of any
importance will only be taken with the full sanction, approval and encouragement
of the proper authorities of the Church, by whom you are called to this labor.
We desire to see this choir not only maintain the high reputation it has earned
at home and abroad, but become the highest exponent of the "Divine Art" in all
the land; and the worthy head, example and leader of all other choirs and musical
bodies in the Church, inspiring musicians and poets with purest sentiment and
song and harmony, until its light shall shine forth to the world undimmed, and
nations shall be charmed with its music.
This choir is and should be a great auxiliary to the cause of Zion. By means
of its perfection in the glorious realm of song, may unstop the ears of thousands
now deaf to the truth, soften their stony hearts, and inspire precious souls with a
love for that which is divine. Thus removing prejudice, dispelling ignorance and
shedding forth the precious light of heaven to tens of thousands who have been,
and are still, misled concerning us.
This is a noble work, a glorious cause, worthy of your earnest efforts, and of
the exertion it requires; as well as the exercise of the divine gifts and talents with
which you are endowed.
And may you, its leaders, officers and members, always be ready, at home or
abroad, (as recently at the World's Fair), to reflect the excellence, beauty, intelli-
gence, order and refinement of the people of God, from our Tabernacle on the
"Mountain Tops." For to this goodly work you are called, and we confidently
believe you will give to it your best energies, will be faithful to this trust, and
succeed gloriously.
We remain,
Your brethren in the Gospel,