Day in the Life

Apr 9, 1895

Journal Entry

April 09, 1895 ~ Tuesday

9. A folded letter/box I received a Letter from Owen we held a Meeting
with the Utah Company I signed 100 Z.C.MI stock Book


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
637 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary

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Letter from George W. Crocheron, 9 April 1895
Hyrum, Cache Co, Apostle George Teasdale Dear Brother I wish to impart some information to you of a very important character, which I doubt not will great- ly interest you. Brother David Walker of the 9th Ward, Salt Lake City starts for England with his wife and Brother Charles W. Stayner as his attorney in the month of June to recieve one million of dollars in gold, property in- herited by David Walker from his grandfathe's estate. Now the tithing on this sum of money will amount to one hundred thousand dollars less the two thousand dollars to be paid to Brother
Letter from William Gardner, 9 April 1895
New Zealand]]—. President Wilford Woodruff, Beloved brother, I take pleasure in informing you that our Annual Conference has just closed and we have been blessed with an abundant outpouring of the Spirit of God. In our Sacrament meeting we had over 200 Visiting Europeans and hundreds of Maoris came from all parts of New Zealand. Thirty seven elders from the various Conferences in Australasia were present and the reports were highly satisfactory and encouraging. The work is progressing nicely in all our fields and we rejoice in these evidences of divine favor. A Company of Elders and Saints will leave Sydney on May 18th for Vancouver in charge of Elder B. Goddard. X We shall require, as early as possible, eight more Elders, to fill vacancies that will shortly occur. Four will be required for Maori work and four to labor amongst Europeans. I also need an earnest experienced elder to take Supervision of The Conferences in Australia and Tasmania, with whom I


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

Apr 9, 1895