Day in the Life

Apr 12, 1895

Journal Entry

April 12, 1895 ~ Friday

12 I spent the day in the office attending to Business


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Letter from J. Frank Pickering, 12 April 1895
City, . Dear Bro: About three years ago, I was favored with an "endorsement" for my "Mirror of Utah," from Pres- ident Woodruff, which has been valuable to me in introducing the subject in the various wards. There are so many trashy entertainments con- stantly on the road, that without a suitable endorsement it would be difficult to obtain some meeting-houses to exhibit in, as the au- thorities of course do not want anything improper to be presented to the people. During the spring and summer months, I de- sire to travel with my paintings, and exhibit them in connection with, or under the auspices of the Improvement Associations and Sunday Schools in the various wards, and if it will not be asking too much, would be pleased to examine have you examine them, and if you think they merit it, to furnish me with a letter of introduction or endorsement suitable for the purpose named. For the first time, the


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Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

Apr 12, 1895