Day in the Life

Apr 19, 1895

Journal Entry

April 19, 1895 ~ Friday

19. The Presidency met at the Office and attended to
a good Deal of Business. We found that our business
went all all right yesterday I prepared for going to
Provo to morrow


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Letter from Oscar Groshell, 19 April 1895
Salt Lake City, Utah, . Wilford Woodruff, City, Dear Sir: Next week I leave for Saint Louis to represent Utah at the annual convention of the American Ticket Brokers Association. For several years I have been trying to get the convention here, and at the last meeting which was held in Washington, we were half promis ed that in 1896 it would be held here. It would afford me musch pleaseure if you would send an invitation to the convention to have same held here next( time. It would be a great thing for the city as some 250 to 300 usually attend frojm all parts of the countyr. I shall get similar letters for from the mayor and governor. Send your letter here in my care and address it to W. B. Carter, Sec. A. T. B. A. and I shall have same read at the con vention. Trusting I may count on your assistance in the matter and thanking you in advance , I remain, Yours Truly, Oscar Groshell
Letter from Andrew Amundsen Dahle, 19 April 1895
Spanish Fork To President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake Dear Brother Your favor of the 17th inst, appointing me to the Northern States Mission received I will be ready at the date set, May 11th to leave Salt Lake if all is well Your Brother Andrew A Dahle I do endorse the appointing Bro Dahle to take a Mission and do recomend him as being worthy. Marinus Larsen Bishop of Spanish 3rd Ward All right. J. F. S.
Letter from Truman Leonard, 19 April 1895
Farmington To President W. Woodruff I hope you are well. I write a few lines, touching the case of my son George M Leonard just called to perform a Mission to the Samoan Islands. He says he will go if he knew that he would die before he shou- ld get back. Still he thinks if he could have a little more time before starting it would help him materially on account of the lack of money just now; he is in debt and paying some Interest! but what of that. [upside-down text] Truman Leonard Apl. 19 [18]95. [end of upside-down text]


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

Apr 19, 1895