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Day in the Life

May 13, 1895

Journal Entry

May 13, 1895 ~ Monday

May 13, 1895

I spent the day in the office I attended A sociable
at F S Richards Habitation at 4.30 I met with the
Eastern Ladies Mrs Anthony & Rev Mrs Shaw with a hundred citizens including Judge Zane Judd & Lades
Gov. West with Men & women of all creeds in a
social form all were quite free.


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2 mentions
West, Caleb Walton
25 May 1844 - 25 Jan 1909
18 mentions
Richards, Franklin Snyder
20 Jun 1849 - 7 Sep 1934
100 mentions
Zane, John M.
6 mentions
8 mentions
3 mentions


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Letter from William Henry Seegmiller, 15 May 1895
Richfield, Utah Presdt W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Yours of 10th ult received. Since which time I have inquired into the circumstances of Brother Peter R. Semore I think him a suitabble man to take any mission within his capacity, He is a man of Integrety, a good Saint A peaceful and peace loving man, temperate and industrious well qualified to cope with the obsticles of the Mexican Mission. His family circumstances make it favorable for him to live in Mexico I unhesitatingly recommend him as worthy of Your confidence for duty to which You may assign him. Very Respectfully Your Brother William H Seegmiller P.S. As our conference will be held a week from next Saturday and Sunday we would be pleased to have you send us such assistance as is consistant with the labors of the Brethren usually assigned to this duty. WHS
Letter from Joseph Sharp Rawlins, 13 May 1895
Mill Creek, Utah, Frist Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Dear Brethren: In persuance of your suggestion to Bishops Rawlins and Hamilton, who visited you recently in relation to our Seminary, we beg leave to submit for your consideration the following state- ment of our condition and needs: As you are already aware we have been to a great deal of expense in the erection of our build- ing and improvement of our grounds, and at the end of our present school year we find ourselves in debt to the amount of $ 5380.80 The school itself has run behind $289.90 this year not- withstanding the appointment of $600 received from the State Board. The above indebtedness is chiefly in the form of notes and call for 10% interest. So many calls have been made upon the people of late that we find it very difficult to collect from them the means necessary to pay the $50000


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May 13, 1895