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Day in the Life

Jul 11, 1896

Journal Entry

July 11, 1896 ~ Saturday

11. I spent the day at home reading & Resting

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Letter from Vanness Spencer Raymond, 11 July 1896
Menan . Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Bro: In answer to yours of June 26, will say that I will be ready for my mission and in Salt Lake City by 22nd. Your brother in the gospel, Vanness Spencer Raymond W N Stephens Bishop.
Letter from William Gardner and Ezra Foss Richards, 11 July 1896
President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: We address you a few lines to let you know of the safe arrival of Elders Ezra F. Richards and James Steadman, on the 8th ult., in good health and spirits. Since that time we two have been traveling together, having already visited three conferences, viz: Hauraki, Tau- ranga and Waikato. On the 15th Inst. we expect to start South and make a complete tour of the Mission, that Elder Richards may get a thorough understanding of all its workings. The Elders, as a rule, are enjoy- ing good health; there are, however, one or two exceptions, where the brethren are troubled some with their lungs, and symptoms of rheumatics. During the month of June upwards of forty baptisms were reported, and prospects bid fair for many more in the near future. Upon a whole, the


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Jul 11, 1896