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Day in the Life

Jul 12, 1896

Journal Entry

July 12, 1896 ~ Sunday

12 Sunday I spent the day at home Resting

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Letter from Levi Walter Syphus, 12 July 1896
President Woodruff S. L. City Dear Brother Yours of 7 th inst, at hand, and contents noted. Will be on hand to start on mission to Southern States on September 12, as per request Your Brother in the Gospel Levi W. Syphus C. C. Ronnow Bp. Panaca Ward
Letter from Ezra D. Wilson, 12 July 1896
Leslie Idaho Dear Brother: It afords me great pleasure to write you to know how you are enjoying life ^it^ at the prese- nt time & how your health is, I wish also to ask you for a favor providing it dosent bother you to much, I am also ashamed to ask you for such as I aught to know my self, but I havent had the chance that I should & that makes a great diference. I am away from home working out farming in a kind of a mining district, amongst a lot of good & bad people. A Cathalic man ask me what proof we had that the book Joseph- Smith found under a rock wasent a put up job; his Wife says she belives it the Bible to be a man writen book, she is a spiritualist. They wish to know a little proof of this afair, & if is would not bother you to much, I wish you would write me a discription of the afair & I will be a thousand times obliged with love I wil close hopeing to hear from you soon


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Jul 12, 1896