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Day in the Life

Jul 13, 1896

Journal Entry

July 13, 1896 ~ Monday

13 We have a vary hard rain this morning Abraham H
is but vary little better


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Cannon, Abraham Hoagland
12 Mar 1859 - 19 Jul 1896
121 mentions

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Letter from William Cobb, 13 July 1896
Dear Sir. I wrote to the President of the Eastern station for information regarding your people. A he told me to write to you for more news, as i would like to join ^with^ your people. by what i have heard Salt Lake City, must be a nice place as well as the church. A temple, by what i can learn you have got converts from all parts of the world. i am a Scotchmen my self but i suppose you have got them amongst your people also. Mr Richards told me in his letter to write to you so i hope you you will be as kind as to do so. i am at present worcking on board a government steamer here for the last 18 Months but i dont like it very much here to much rain A snow. the most of the whites here are russiains execpt the officeals, A the rest are indians well i will have to draw to a close know hopping to hear from you soon I remain yours Respectfully Wm Cobb See over


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Jul 13, 1896