Day in the Life

Jul 15, 1896

Journal Entry

July 15, 1896 ~ Wednesday

July 15 1896

We Met with the Z.C.M.I. Board A sugar Meeting was
held at the office The prospect Never was better for a
crop of Sugar Beets than this Season

Abram H Cannon is worse to day Nothing but the
Power of God can save him We had a Hard Rain through
Most of the Day a good deal of Damage was Done in
^ A hand pointing to the right^ several Parts of the State I wrote a Letter to David P. W.


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Cannon, Abraham Hoagland
12 Mar 1859 - 19 Jul 1896
145 mentions
Woodruff, David Patten
4 Apr 1854 - 20 Jan 1937
228 mentions


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Letter from Thomas George Naylor, 15 July 1896
Salt Lake City, Pres. W. Woodruff. City. Diar brother, In reply to your letter asking when I will be ready to go to Indian Territory I thank you for the honor in calling me and will try to be ready to leave in October 1896 or as soon after as you may wish, Your brother in the gospel of Christ, Thos G. Naylor I feel that Brother Naylor will do his best to perform a faithful mission Isaac Barton Bp 19th Ward Sep 30th 1896
Letter from John Steele, 15 July 1896
M. SWEETSER & CO. Grav. WEST VIRGINIA LUBRICATING OIL. VOLCANO, WEST VA. As the distance from our wells at West Virginia is long and delays frequent on the Railroads, and in order to facilitate trade and accomodate customers, we have made arrangements with leading merchants in all the larger places in this country and abroad to act as agents for the sale of our product. They will keep a stock on hand and sell at our quotations, adding freight to their places of business. We shall do all we can to pro- tect and facilitate our business relations. Our friends can get the Zero, Sweetser's and Producer's brands of oil, of the various gravities, from FOSTER, WALKER & CO., 226 La Salle Street, CHICAGO. We desire to call your attention to the article of pure, natural West Virginia Oil, produced by us and sold under the above brand. This oil, when produced, contains considerable earthy matter and water in emulsion. To remove these and at the same time to make the oil of a satisfactory gravity, the oil is put into tanks and subjected to steam heat for about ten days and nights. This causes the oil to become perfectly clean, and at the same time makes it heavier through the expulsion of benzine and other detrimental volatile substances by from one to two degrees or gravity, We can recommend this oil as a perfect lubricator during the months from March to December in the more Northern latititudes, while in the Southern latititudes not subject to extreme cold, we can ALWAYS recommend it. We guaurantee it to stand a cold test of from ten to thirty degrees Fahrenheit, without becoming too thick to flow readily and always to flow more readily than lard oil, to which it is superoir as a lubricant. We claim for this oil, First—Freedom from water, grit or any impurity. Second—Lasting qualities, it being superior in this respect to Sperm and Lard Oil. Third—Not gumming or staining working parts of machinery. Information regarding prices and rates of freight, etc., cheerfully given. The following out of the railroads using our Oil have kindly permitted us to refer to them regarding the quality of the oil we supply them, viz.: The Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Co. The Boston & Maine Railroad Co. The Union Pacific Railroad Co. The Portland & Rochester Railroad Co. The Rock Island & Pacific R. R. Co. The North-Western Railway Co. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. Co. The Maine Central R. R. Co. The Chicago, Alton & St. Louis R. R. Co. The European & North American Co. The Washington, Alexandria & Richmond R. R. Co. The Inter-Colonial Railroad Co, Canada. In fact nearly all the Railroads in this country and Europe are using West Virginia Oils. Respectfully, STILES & SWEETSER.


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Jul 15, 1896