Day in the Life

Jul 16, 1896

Journal Entry

July 16, 1896 ~ Thursday

16 I went to Ogden with the old folk it was Raining when
I left home but soon cleared off The D & R G R R
took the company from Salt Lake to Ogden took
1200 of the old Folks besides many others on the arival of
the company to Ogden carriages took the people from
the Depo to the Public Park when they were all
Assembled I should there were 8000 people President
Shirtliff took myself & Joseph F & our wives to his house
we soon went to the Park Mingled with the people & took
Dinner with them then we went onto the Stand and
had a general Meeting Myself Tanner & Nobles 3
of Zions Camp, were present & 20 of the Mormon Battallion
were present Myself & Joseph F Smith Addressed the Assembly
Also F. D Richards with Many others we returned at 5 oclok
to our Homes Distance of the day 80 Miles


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Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
816 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4133 mentions
68 mentions


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Letter from Lester Stevenson, 16 July 1896

Pres. Woodruff Dear Brother, I received your call asking me to state my feelings in regards to taking a mission to the Southern States. I shall be pleased to go and fulfil a mission, and shall make preparations to leave the City as soon as Sept 12 [18]96 according to instructions received from the office. Your Brother, Lester Stevenson This is all right good young man D B Brinton Bp

Letter from Minnie B. Crosby, 16 July 1896

President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brother, I was thinking for sometimes that I would write to you and asking a few questions and getting advise, I think you remember, you was to aner home at Overton on the Muddy, to the late J.W. Crosby Sen; I am left as Widow and in very poor health over three years, have two Children by Brother Crosby a girl past thirteen with Namens Marion and a son near to twelve years with Namens Nephi, I would inquire about my Daughter if she could get free schooling at Provo and would get aducated as a Teacher, I have heard that every year get some of the

Letter from Pinyet Pinyet, 16 July 1896

Constantinople . Here is my address:"Ci - incles"

Discourse 1896-07-16

WILFORD WOODRUFF'S SPEECH. The venerable president of the church, Wilford Woodruff, who is 89, made an address. His words and actions showed no signs of old age. He spoke clearly and at some length, ending with a re- quest that all remember, as they re- tired for the night, to offer up a prayer for the health of their friend and well- wisher, A. H. Cannon. He said it was the prayers of his people that had kept him alive for his earthly work was ended years ago. He told of his own career, how he had been in the church sixty years, had traveled 175,000 miles, including a journey around the world twice. He is the only man living who came in the first pioneer band of 1847, the only one living who had been or- dained by the prophet Joseph Smith. "And yet I am still alive," he said, "and until my last day I will try and do my duty to my fellow man, and to my God, ever to be true and faithful to his teachings."


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Jul 16, 1896