Day in the Life

Jan 12, 1897

Journal Entry

January 12, 1897 ~ Tuesday

Jan 12 1897
we have quite a snow storm this Morning Owen
with Joseph Danes & a Brother Thomas started for the Mountain
I spent the day in the office we listened to the reading of
the contract between the Mormon & Gentiles Rail Road Company
and 3 Men of the Gentile company called upon us &
we talked over our Affairs & came to an agreement upon
the subject Money is Needed vary Much


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Daynes, Joseph John (Jr.)
7 Nov 1873 - 19 Sep 1963
22 mentions


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Letter from Oliver Cromwell Hoskins and William Henry Gibbs Sr., 12 January 1897
Pres. Willford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother: Sister Griffiths of Melad City. Wife of Bro William Griffiths who is now on a Mission to South Wales Great Brittan Is apparently loosing her mind, and underder the Circumstances We have thought it best to ask for Bro. Griffiths ^immediate^ release Your Breathren O. C. Hoskins William H. Gibbs


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Jan 12, 1897