Day in the Life

Jan 13, 1897

Journal Entry

January 13, 1897 ~ Wednesday

123 I went to the office & Met with the Oregon short Line
and Entered into business with them concerning our Affairs
west. we had a vary busy day Mr Tiernan Met with
us upon the Southern Rail Road to St George


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Letter from Mrs. John G. Fiero, 13 January 1897
President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Utah: Dear Sir: Thinking your Church might want to farm a colony in Tennessee, as you already have Missionaries at work in that State, I spoke to Jos. Brown, (Bishop here) and he told me to write to head quarters. I have a tract of Land 2300 acres in one body, in DeKolb County, three miles from the County seat Smithville
Letter from Joseph Baldwin Crosby, 13 January 1897
Panguitch, Utah, . Prest. Woodruff. S. L. City Dear Brothern: After con serding well and receiving good con seal [counsel] from my friends and relatives I have decided that I am now ready and willing to go, and fullfill that mission which I was some time sence called on. The sooner that I hear from you the better it will be for me because my work is all done and it is much better for me to be fullfilling ([it]) than to be in Town. Yous respectfully J. B. Crosby.
Letter from John Elbert Wilcox, 13 January 1897
Wilford Woodroof Dear Brother In reply to your letter of the 9th that came duly to hand. I will say that I will be on hand to leave: Salt Lake City on the appointed day I am your Bro and colabror in the Gospe John E Wilcox Culbert King Bp


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Jan 13, 1897