Day in the Life

Jan 28, 1897

Journal Entry

January 28, 1897 ~ Thursday

28 I met with the Twelve in the Temple A number of
subjects were brought up for discussion, one was to
Do away with the Juvenile ^instructor^ womans Exponent,
Young Ladies Journal, and Publish a work to take
the place of the other works President Cannon
thought they better remain as they are


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2284 mentions


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Letter from Carl Gustaf Johnson, 28 January 1897
Sandy President Woodruff Dear Brother about a year ago I was called upon to go on a Mission to Scandinavia. I could not possibly get ready to go att that time, so I was given untill this Spring to get ready, and I will hereby state that I will be ready, and willing to go any time in April next, if God will Grant. Your Brother in the Gosple Carl G. Johnson I hereby endorse Bro.Elder C. G. Johnson as a Missionary from this ward. Respectfully Your Brother in the Gospel James Jensen Bsp. of Sandy ward
Letter from George Edward Hanks, 28 January 1897
Panguitch Wilford Woodruff, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Dear Sir: I have before me your communication notify- ing me of a call as a mission ary to the Southern States, and after due consideration will say that I accept the call ^and^ will be in Salt Lake City at the time designated, provided I can possiably raise the means to go with. I am not a mans of wealth by any means, but one who makes his living "by the sweat of his brow," consequent ly, I cannot say with a positive
Letter from Mrs. C. Workman, 28 January 1897
Mammoth Bro Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I was very desireous of asking you a question pardon me for taking the opportunity. Is Will a dead born infant have life in the world to come if it be a child of maturity Yours truly Mrs C Workman


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Jan 28, 1897