Day in the Life

Jan 29, 1897

Journal Entry

January 29, 1897 ~ Friday

29. I spent the day in the office in the power Dam
Meeting untill 1 oclock I spent a vary bad night


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Letter from Ephraim Mikelsen, 29 January 1897

Logan City Presedent Wilford Woodruf Salt lake Dear Brother in ancer to your favor of Sept the 21 1896 I whis [wish] to say that I have heard that thear was a Compning to go on the Twenth of febuary to Scandinavia and if so I wold be pleased to go at that tim if it is a greabel [agreeable] with your whises [wishes] Pleas let me know your Brothr in the Gospel Ephaim Mikkelson

Letter to George Washington Thatcher, 29 January 1897

Salt Lake City, Utah. . 189 Hon. George W. Thatcher, Logan. Dear Brother: I have been considering for some time past the advisability of making changes in the personel of the Birigham Young College Board, and have now concluded to do so believing that the interests of the College will be subserved thereby. I shall therefore be pleased to receive your resignation as Trustee for the Brigham Young College. Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff

Letter from Levi Naylor, 29 January 1897

West Jordan President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Since my appoint- ment to fill a mission to Great Britain, I desire to ask you, (with the other members of the missionary Comittee) to kindly Release me ^from^ this mission for the prisent, for the following Reasons: First, after a careful Reconsideration of my financial condition I would be unable to furnish my fitout without help from others, and my family think it would be impossible (almost) to keep clear of debt and mantain themselves during my absence. (Secondly, it would be Rumored about that I have Sought this mission to avoid

Letter from Thaddeus Wight, 29 January 1897

North Ward President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of the 21st to hand which stated if nothing was in the way you would like to have me start on a mission to the Suthern States Mar. 18th [18]97 I am in debt but have got some sheep of my own & others leased & have got some other property to dispose of I had made up my mind to arrange my affairs nenxt fall so I could respond to any call the Lord made on me with out asking for time I would be pleased to get an honerable release till the 1st of Nov. [18]97 I will by the help of the Lord be ready & willing to go then

Letter from William Howard Jr., 29 January 1897

HUNTINGTON, Emery County, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City The quarterly Conferece of the Emery Stake will be held at Price on the line of the D & R. G. Ry. on Sunday & Monday February 7 & 8th we would be pleased to have some of the Brethren visit us at that time with best wishes for your health I am very Respectfully Your Brother in the Gosple Wm Howard {shorthand} {shorthand}Bp Horseley Price {shorthand} {shorthand}

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Bill at Tithig Office 15 04


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Jan 29, 1897