Day in the Life

Feb 9, 1897

Journal Entry

February 09, 1897 ~ Tuesday

9. I spent the day in the office I met with several Meeting


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Letter from Arthur V. Lee, 9 February 1897

Panaca . Bro. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Bro. As my name has been suggested and accepted as a Missionary to the Indian Territory, and as to my feelings in regard to this mission I will say that I am on hand to go and bwill be ready to leave Salt, Lake at the date mentioned in your letter which is April the 13, 1897.

Letter from Francis Columbus Lee Jr., 9 February 1897

Panaca Nev. . President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother As regards my feelings to this call I am willing, to go. And will be ready to leave Salt Lake at the time, appointed. Your Brother in the Gospel Francis C Lee Approved Chas C Ronnow Bp Panaca Ward

Letter from Alfred George Dixon, 9 February 1897

Harris Ville The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Laterday Saints Dear Brethern In repley to your letter of the 3rd in[s]t I am ^at^ your service when needed Your Brother in the Gosple Alfred Dixon

Letter from Andrew Kimball, 9 February 1897

St. John Kansas, . Oklahoma City, To the First Presidency Salt Lake. Dear Brethren: Please enquire regarding the following named brethren, all of whom have been recommended to me, and if favorable, and in keeping with your wishes I would like to have them to labor in this mission as soon as we can get them. We are greatly in need of some of the number I asked for some time ago. Please let me know what number I may depend upon. All is favorable in the mission, just finished a very profitable and enjoyable conference in this Territory, will go to Texas, leaving here tonight. Kind regards Your brother Andrew Kimball Address St John.

Letter from William Jacob Strong, 9 February 1897

Kaysville, . Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Brother; In answer to your letter of Feb. 2nd requesting me to to prepare to leave for a Mission to the Southern States on March 18th 1897, should there be no reasonable obstacles to hinder ^I now reply.^ This past week myself and part of family have been sick rendering me unable to attend to any business, hence my delay in answering you at an earlier date. Truly if a person would stop to ponder things over and

Letter from William Otto Hanson, 9 February 1897

Prest. Wifford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother no dout you have been looking for an answere from me for some time but owing to my circumstance I thought it wise to ^waite^ untill I could more defiently state as to my going on the day named, but with the help of the Lord I

Letter from Philo Vinson Carter, 9 February 1898

Sanford, Colo. President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother in the Gospel It is with pleasure I pen you a few lines in answer to your letter of Inquirement pertaning to a mission to the Southern States I can say I'm willing to go and do the best I can, and I will make arrangements to start by the first of november I can say I'm perfectly willing to accept this call I remain your Brother in the Gospel. Philo V. Carter. S. C. Berthelson Bishop

Letter from Orson Smith, 9 April 1897

Logan, Utah, First Presidency Dear Brethern in the closing of the tithing accounts for 1897, I find myself still considerable behind in my account, with the office. I regret this exciedingly and will edeaver to avoid this in future. I received an order in 1896 but was necesiated to use it to live on. It is but a very limited amount of time that I can devote to any personal affairs if I shall do the work that should be done in this Stake. I have in the past endeavored to neglect nothing, ^that was^ for the welfare of the Church, and I trust my labors have demonstrated this ended [indeed] the blessing of God our Father. I do not know how I can manage for the future without something to aid me, but knowing as I do your burdens, I will do the best I can to settle my account, during this year.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Feb Cash $25 girl $15 to Emma 30


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Publication of Conference Report begins (replaced by Ensign Conference issue starting in 1965).

Feb 9, 1897