Day in the Life

Mar 9, 1897

Journal Entry

March 09, 1897 ~ Tuesday

9. I spent this day in the office I was quite unwell
we had quite a long talk About A. M. Musser as
Fish Comisssioner


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Musser, Amos Milton
20 May 1830 - 24 Sep 1909


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Letter from Aaron Benjamin Porter Jr., 9 March 1897

Centerville March 9th [18]97 Prest Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother In replying to yours of March 6th informing me that I have been selected as a missionary to the Southern States will say that I will accept the mission and will endeavor to fulfill it to the best of my ability and will

Letter to George Washington Thatcher, 9 March 1897

Salt Lake City, Utah. . 189 Elder George W. Thatcher, Logan. Dear Brother: Your letter of resignation as a member of the board of trustees of the Brigham Young College is received. I thank you for the promptness with which you have complied with my request, and desire to say briefly that your resignation was not asked for the purpose of humiliating you in any sense of the word, nor for the purpose of grati- fying any personal feeling on my part or the part of any of my brethren, but solely for the purpose of subserving the best interests of the College, which it is my duty to jealously guard. I send you my kind regards; and sincerely trust that the Lord will bless you and yours, and preserve you in the truth and bonds of the everlasting covenant, and that you and they may at last be found worthy of an exaltation in his kingdom. Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff

Letter from Benjamin Cluff Jr., 9 March 1897

(DICTATED) President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: Perhaps you will recall that you gave your consent for Madam Mountford to give a series of lectures under the aus- pices of the Academy. Her lectures in Provo were quite success- ful. We netted something over Three Hundred Dollars. We are very desirious of obtaining some means for the Academy, to purchase apparatus—something we are very much in need of. It occurred to me some time ago that perhaps you would kindly consent to our having the use of the Tabernacle one night during Conference, in which under the auspices of the Academy Madam Mountford might give one at least of her lectures. I am certain^,^ should you be able to let us have the tabernacle, we could raise a neat little sum for our apparatus department. Awaiting your early reply, I remain Very respectfully, your brother, Benjamin Cluff, Jr. Pres't.

Letter from Julia Foster and Nemmie McAllister, 9 March 1897

St. George, Wash. Co., Utah. President Woodruff Dear Sir: We thought we would write and ask your opinion on card-playing. A few young ladies' have had a dis- pute on the subject, and to settle it we thought we would write to you I hope you will answer this note immediately and give your express opinion in the matter of young ladies' playing cards. We remain as ever Your humble servants Misses Julia Foster Nemmie McAllister P.S. Please do not take offence at this letter.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Publication of Conference Report begins (replaced by Ensign Conference issue starting in 1965).

Mar 9, 1897