Utah, Tuesday Afternoon, October
5th, 1897, by
I feel thankful to God my Heavenly
Father that I have lived to see the https://fromthepage.com/woodruff/wilford-woodruff-papers-project/article/32169477
day when I have one of my own pos-
terity called to this office—a privilege
which all my predecessors, presidents
and counselors, who are in the spirit
world, have had. Their sons are sit-
ting before me here. I need not men-
tion them; you know them yourselves.
I have had this desire in my heart,
and the Lord has granted it unto me,
and I am very thankful for it. I am
satisfied that these two young men we
have called will magnify their calling.
I am satisfied that it is in their hearts
to do it.
I want to remark here the difference
—I was thinking of it while the breth-
ren were talking—between the posi-
tion of my son and our brother here
and my position when I was called to
the Apostleship. While in the worst
apostasy we ever had in this Church,
when Apostles and leading men were
fighting the Prophet of God, the Lord
told me to rise up, choose a companion,
and go to Fox Islands. A great deal
that I have done, and in my missions,
I have been led by inspiration of Al-
mighty God to do. I knew no more
what was on Fox Islands than I
knew what was on Kolob. I chose
Brother Johnathan H. Hale as a part-
ner. We went through Canada, and
there met John E. Page. who was la-
boring there. We administered to one
woman that was possessed of the
devil, which was cast out. We healed
the sick, and the blessings of God
were with us. We crossed on Lake
Ontario, and from there down to Al-
bany, and Farmington, my native
place. I there met my father and my
mother. It was the first time I had
seen them since I had been a Latter-
day Saint. I held a meeting among
them. I baptized my father, my step-
mother, my sister, several uncles and
aunts, and organized a small branch
of the Church, composed of all my
relatives except one—a Methodist
preacher, who was boarding at my
father's house. Old father Smith told
me, when he blessed me, that I should
bring all my father's house into the
Church. I certainly baptized every-
body that was in the house at the
time I was there. I then went on my
way to Fox Islands. When I got there
I found two congregations—a Baptist
minister, a meeting house, a Baptist
congregation, on the north island; a
Methodist minister, a Methodist con-
gregation, without any meeting house,
on the south island. I commenced
preaching there, and very soon saw
why the Lord had sent me there.
There was a people there wishing for
the ancient order of things. I bap-
tized most of those congregations.
Without dwelling upon it, I will say I
baptized over 100 while there.
While in the ministry there I re-
ceived a letter from Joseph Smith, the
Prophet of God, in which he told me
that the Lord had given him a revela-
tion, and named to me the persons
that were called to fill the places of
those who had fallen. My name was
among them. He said that he wanted
me to gather up the Saints I had bap-
tized and bring them to Zion. What
were the circumstances? I was on an
island of the sea. There was not a
horse or an ox on the island. There
was not a man or a woman that knew
how to harness a horse. I told one of
the brethren, who had some money,
that we must furnish a train of
horses, wagons, harness, etc., and he
proposed to advance the money for
that purpose. He went with me and
we bought about fifty horses; and
then I had to match these horses, and
get harness to fit them. I went to a
wagon-maker and engaged twenty or
twenty-five wagons. I did this in
order to prepare the people to go with
me, according to the words of the
Prophet. I arranged everything, agreed
with this brother to furnish the money,
and left in advance with the under-
standing that they were to leave the
first day of September. The letter to
me was dated the first of August. I
went to Maine, as my wife was there
with her first child. I waited for this
company to come to me, but they did
not come till the first of October. We
had then to travel from Maine to Mis-
souri through snow, rain, and mud.
However, we passed through it all,
and got up there, according to the com-
mandment of the Lord to me.
That was the way I was called to
the Apostleship, and what I had to go
through. I have felt from that day to
this that it has been good to serve the
Lord, good to honor God and to obey
His commandments. No matter what
we may be called to do, or what office
we may be called to fill, if we trust in
God and do our duty, we will be car-
ried through. Of course, I am here
among you now. But I have been on
the sick list a good while. Still the
Lord has blessed me, and I have got
back to my former state, in a measure
of health and strength. How long the
Lord will permit me to live I do not
know anything about; but I have to
acknowledge the hand of the Lord in
all these affairs with myself. I have
been edified at the teachings that have
been given us at this Conference.
What President Smith has said, what
President Cannon has said, is true.
They have spoken upon principles
that we should lay to heart.
I tell you, brethren and sisters, the
God of heaven has set His hand to
build up Zion, in fulfillment of all the
revelations of God to man from the
days of Father Adam down to this
day. The counsels that have been
given here today are just and true,
and we ought to observe them. I can-
not sin, you cannot sin, we cannot
turn from the commandments of God
in anywise, but we are the losers by
it. Again, I will say to this congrega-
tion, God Almighty will afflict these
Latter-day Saints if they do not pur-
sue the course they are called upon to
pursue. The Lord will build up Zion
and carry out His purposes; but we
will be chastised unless we listen to
the counsels of the servants of God.
If these Latter-day Saints turn to the
right or the left, on political questions
or on other principles, to separate
themselves one from another and from
the commandments of God, the Lord
Almighty will hold them responsible,
and they will be chastised for doing it.
I know this as well as I know I am
alive, I am anxious for the salvation
of the Latter-day Saints. I do not
know anything about what you are on
politics, but we should be united to-
gether and labor together to build up
Zion. We have been called from the
nations of the earth to do that; and
if we do not do it, the judgments of
Almighty God will rest upon us. I
feel myself that the time has come
when we ought to look around and
about ourselves, and see what we are
doing and what we should do. My
prayer to God is that we may open our
eyes to see, our ears to hear, our
hearts to understand the word of the
Lord and the responsibilities we are
under. We stand here, a little handful
of men and women in the eyes of the
world, but we are called to build up
Here we have four Temples, thank
the Lord our God! Into those Temples
we enter and redeem our dead. We
have blessings which have never been
given to any other generation since
the days of Jesus Christ and the Apos-
tles. The Lord has raised up a people
for this purpose. You hold the keys of
the destiny of your fathers, your
mothers, your progenitors, from gen-
eration to generation; you hold the
keys of their salvation. God has put
that power into your hands. But if we
do not do what is required of us in
this thing, we are under condemnation.
If we do attend to this, then when
we come to meet our friends in the
celestial kingdom, they will say, "You
have been our saviors, because you
had power to do it. You have attend-
ed to these ordinances that God has
I will say to this congregation that
the very men whom God raised up to
lay foundation of the American
government—those noble men, from
Washington down—have been to men
in these Temples and required the or-
dinances of the House of God at their
hands in their behalf. They have told
them the position they occupied in the
spirit world, and those men have gone
forth and fulfilled these requests, and
those noble men have recieved the
ordinances of the House of God. A
great many things have been required
of us as a people, and as far as we
have fulfilled them, so far we are justi-
fied. But do not let us lose the hold
we have got. Do not let us turn our
backs upon the commandments of
God, and do those things that will
place us in difficulties in days to come.
The eyes of the heavens are over us;
the eyes of God himself, the eyes of