Day in the Life

Mar 17, 1898

Journal Entry

March 17, 1898 ~ Thursday

Thur Mar 17th Bishop MorrisElias Morris died at 1030 this morning. I drove to
the office feeling fairly well. Attended my meeting at the Temple at 11 am
Afterwards at the office and attended a Directors meeting of ZC.MI at 2 pm
went home at 4 pm. snowed this afternoon and evening.


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Letter from John Thomas Vance, 17 March 1898

Mesa Citty President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I hav just received your call to go uponn a mishion I cheefurley axept this call and will say I should bee afraid to refuse Becaus I fear god and his paros [powers] reailising if I fail to observ his command I will fea punished your Brother in the gospell John T Vance A Hunsaker Bp Alma Ward

Letter from Joseph Hastings, 17 March 1898

Mesa City . Wilford Woodruff. Dear brother in the Gosple. Having received notice of my call as a missionary to the Suthern States. I receive it with thankfull- ness, and expect to labor for the cause of the truth to the best of my ability I have not sufficent money [on] hand but I expect it on time. Yours Resp. Jos Hastings A Hunsaker Bp Alma Ward

Letter from Christian Willardsen Jr., 17 March 1898

Ephraim . Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City P.O. Box B. Dear Brother Recieved your letter on the 11 inst stating that my name had been suggested and accepted as a Missionary to Montana; would say that I will be ready to go at the appointed time ^May^ 5 I have thought very much since receiving the call that I would like to go to Denmark. But I also relize that it is best to go where the Athorities call so I am perfectly staisfied with the appoited place; and will report myself at

Letter from William Joseph Gough, 17 March 1898

President W. Woodruff. dear Brother haveing been called by the Priesthood, to labor as a Missionary in great Britain, I cheerfuly respond, and trust my labors will be worthy of your aproval. Your Brother in the Gospel William J Gough James C. Hamilton Bp


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Mar 17, 1898