Day in the Life

Mar 18, 1898

Journal Entry

March 18, 1898 ~ Friday

Fri Mar 18th I am feeling well this morning had a good night. went
to the office, busy all morning on a hearing of Pres Orson Smith of Cache
Stake on financial matters. Also in meeting this afternoon from 230 to 430
wThen I went home feeling very tired. Snowed most all of the
day, fell some 8 inches deep. A little daughter of Pres Joseph F. Smith 4 years

old died last evening of scarlet fever & bronchitis. Elder John H Smith returned this
afternoon from a missionary tour of Southern Arizona & northern Mexico.


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Smith, John Henry
18 Sep 1848 - 13 Oct 1911
300 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4140 mentions
Smith, Orson
205 mentions


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Letter from David H. Jones, 12 March 1898

Prisident Woodruff Dear Brother I received a call to the Suthern States on March 8th and will try and be on hand to leave Salt Lake on the date apointed. Yours Truly David H. Jones. Soren C Sorenson Bishop

Letter from Thomas Bassett, 18 March 1898

Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt L. City Utah Dear Brother I enclose herewith the following described Fremont County Warranty which has been credited as Miscellaneous Tithing at the Rexburg T. O. at then face value. From the best information I can glean I feel confident that L. M. Earl of Salt Lake City will pay as much for them as anyone, so that I send them to you direct believing that you can do better with them there than we can here I trust that if you cannot receipt us for their face value in Cash that you can probably do so in Misc. #606 Issued 4/7 [18]96 23.83 823 7/22 [1896] 37.50 884 7/22 13.30 892 [7/22] 26.50 1048 10/16 37.50 1050 [10/16] 12.50 1060 [10/16] 23.50 $174.63 They are all on Current expense fund. The first named I think is worth its face in cash. Those issued 7/22 I think soon will be and those issued 10/16 are probably not worth more than 70%. I enclose a letter from our County Treasurer explaining their condition Very Respectfully yours Thomas E. Bassett Stake Tithing Clerk

Letter from William Henry Thomas, 19 March 1898

Malad City Idaho Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In reply to yours of March 16 1898 will say I accept the call as a Missionary to Great Britain and will be there at the appointed time Your Brother in the Gospel W. H. Thomas William H. Richards Bishop

Letter from Nephi Otteson, 18 March 1898

Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Dear Brother With the help of The Lord I shall be able to leave for the Northern States Mission August 4th 1898 as per appointment. Yours Very Truly Nephi Otteson. Endorsed: Joseph B. Keeler, Bp. 4th Ward.

Letter from Ezra D. Wilson, 18 March 1898

^Bro.^ Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of 15 receiv. in reply will say, I dont want to put a straw in the way of a mission, But will try & give a little of my circumstances As I feel it my duty to do so. I have a Home stead & will loose it, But dont let that interfear. I do not know scarcely any thing of the scripture have never been able to speak to an audiance 5 minut es. I am going with a young girl good later day saint, & did intend to get married the coming fall I saw Bro. Teasdale at conference, He gave me some good advise, you have ask for perticulars in the case would like to hear from you Now do not think for a moment that I am trying to get out of it. But not knowing anything bothers me quite a little. I leave it all with you to say & I will try & obey. Tthe date of departure may be all right, but my pocket book is Slimm, the same with the ward. Tthis is all hoping to hear from you so[o]n in ^this^ regard

Letter from Thomas B. Steele, 18 March 1898

Dear brother Woodruff I recived a call to the southern states on a Mission I will try to be on hand to leave Saltlake on the 19th of May. Your Brother in the Gosple Thomas B. Steele Soren C. Sorenson Bishop

Letter from John Whittaker Taylor, 18 March 1898

Denver, Colorado . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: Several months ago I requested John E. Woolley who is the President of the San Luis Conference to try and find two men who could speak the Spanish language, who was willing and able to take a mission to New Mexico among the Mexicans who live in that state. Inclosed I send Bro Woolleys letter in which he recommends two brethren, and if you think it wise to send them, their address will be Manassa, Conejos Co. Colorado. %Allbert R. Smith. There has been fourteen baptism's since my last report. The elder's are all well are kindly received every where and the good work is in a prosperous condition. Your brother in the gospel John W. Taylor See back of Bro Woolley letter. J. F. S.

Letter from George Edgar Wilkins, 18 March 1898

Peoa President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I have received a call to labor as a Missionary in the Indian Territory Mission I deeply sence my inability but I feel it my duty to respond, and I do so trust- ing in my Heavenly Father to enable me to fill the Mis- sion with honor to him and also my self, I remain Your Brother Geo. E. Wilkins Stephen Walker Bishop of Peoa Ward


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Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Mar 18, 1898