Day in the Life

May 19, 1898

Journal Entry

May 19, 1898 ~ Thursday

Thur May 19th Drove to the office, feeling well. I handed my 1st Journal to
Bro L J Nuttall & requested him to find the record of my marriage to my wife
Phebe, for use in the Temple, which he found. I attended my usual
meeting at the Temple at 11 am. and in the afternoon a meeting of the Board
of Directors of Z.CMI. at the office, and went home at 4 pm.

Bro Geo. G. Bywater was buried this afternoon. the funeral
services were held at the assembly Hall at 3 pm. The speakers were
B[isho]p Walter Beattie, Bro Aurillius Miner, Ex Gov A. L. Thomas, Bro C. W. Penrose
Bro D L Davis & Pres Lorenzo Snow & Pres Angus M Cannon. The Temple choir

sang. Benediction by Bro Geo Teasdale. I went home at 4 pm

he notes the funeral of Elder
Geo. G Bywater, and that speakers. Bp. Wal-
ter Beathe
, ^Elder^ Areluis Miner, Ex Gov. Thomas
Prest C. W. Penrose of the S. L. Stake, Bro.
D. L. Davis, Prests L. Snow and Angus M.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Cannon, Angus Munn
17 May 1834 - 7 Jun 1915
Thomas, Arthur Lloyd
22 Aug 1851 - 15 Sep 1924
Penrose, Charles William
4 Feb 1832 - 16 May 1925
42 mentions
Teasdale, George
8 Dec 1831 - 9 Jun 1907
708 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
699 mentions
Apostle, Family
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1581 mentions


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Letter from George Christensen, 19 May 1898

Mill Creek The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. Dear Brothern I received a letter from the Northern States and should have answered but was told it was not necery. I am prepairing to go in Company with others on Oct 13 and think that I can get redy all right I remain your Bro George Christensen

Letter from Attewall Wootton, 19 May 1898

Midway, Utah, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: In answer to your favor of 17th inst., I will say that the call to a mission to Great Britain is accepted, and, if the Lord will, I shall be on hand at the appointed time, July 8, 1898. Your bBrother in the Gospel, Attewall Wootton. John Watkins Bp

Letter from David Roberts Morgan, 19 May 1898

Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro: Yours of 12th inst came to hand. Thanks for honor conferred by acknowledging me worthy of such a position. Will be ready to leave for the Southern States at time designated. Your Bro. in the Gospel David R. Morgan. H H Hymas Act Bishop

Letter from Henry A. Pace, 19 May 1898

Harmony . President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: Yours of the 25th ult at hand. Am ready, will be in Salt Lake at the appointed time. Your Brother in the Gospel, Henry A. Pace. Wm A Redd Bp.

Letter from Charles Ora Card, 19 May 1898

Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother We are much in need of more aid in the Manatoba mission, and can any way be suggested to avoid the brethren that have received their endowments going to Salt Lake City to be set apart for the money spent in fare to that point will take them into their field of labor. While there at the April Conference I presented names for this mission but to date, none have received any notice. Sickness has taken 2 Elders out of the mission and now we are short handed. Awaiting your instructions I remain Your Brother Charles Ora Card Pres. of Man. Mission See over

Letter from Charles Ernst Christian Musig, 19 May 1898

Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: Your Letter of the 17th inst. at hand. I will be pleased to go with a Company, that will leave Salt Lake on Saturday July 8th for Europe to go on my mission to Germany. Thanks for the privelidge. Respectfully Your Brother in the Gospel Chas. E. C. Musig

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Henry Parhanson & And Agnes A Parhanson paid for A Bill of Divorce 10


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

May 19, 1898