hand of God is beginning to be mani
fest in the earth. Judgment is at the
door; calamity awaits the nations of the
earth; but we ourselves should be pre-
pared to stand in holy places while the
judgments of God are manifest in the
Now, brethren and sisters, let us be
humble before the Lord; let us remem-
ber our prayers; let us try to do our
duty; and when we do this, the blessings
of God will be with us. I felt yester-
day that I wished I could see all the
young men in Israel before Brother while he spoke to us for
half an hour (it ought to have been two
hours) on the evil of this tobacco busi-
ness. We should let alone all these
evils, and our children should also, that
they might be prepared to go forth as
holy vessels and servants of God to
bear record of this Gospel]]. We are
not yet through preaching the Gospel.
We send our sons abroad, and many of
them go before they know whether this is
the Church of God or not. I need not
stand up here and testify before this
congregation that this is the Church of
God on the earth. Thousands of you
know that for yourselves. You have
been abroad; I have been abroad; these
Apostles have been abroad; and we
have administered the ordinances of the
Gospel of Christ. We have
upon the sick, and the sick have been
healed; devils have been cast out, the
lame have leaped, the deaf have heard,
the dumb have spoken, in this Church
in our day and generation. Can men
go through and experience these things
and not know for themselves whether
the work is of God or not? No. Any
man that has gone forth and adminis-
tered in the ordinance of the knows that these things are true,
if he has kept the commandments of
Before I sit down I want to say a word
to the Elders of Israel on another sub-
ject. I am called an old man; I guess I
am. I was thinking just now, in speak-
ing of the apostles and prophets, that
were with when he made
his last speech, I am the only man living
that was with him at that time. The
rest are today in the spirit world. How
much longer I shall talk to this people
I do not know; but I want to say this to
all Israel: Cease troubling yourselves
about who God is; who is, who
Christ is, who Jehovah is. For heaven's
sake, let these things alone. Why
trouble yourselves about these things?
God has revealed himself, and when the
121st section of the Doctrine and
Covenants is fulfilled, whether there be
one God or many gods they will be re-
vealed to the children of men, as well
as all thrones and dominions, princi
palities, and powers. Then why trouble
yourselves about these things? God is
God. Christ is Christ. The Holy
Ghost is the Holy Ghost. That should
be enough for you and I to know. If
we want to know any more, wait till we
get where God is in person. I say this
because we are troubled every little
while with inquiries from Elders anxious
to know who God is, who Christ is, and
who is. I say to the Elders of
Israel, stop this. Humble yourselves
before the Lord; seek for light, for
truth and for a knowledge of the com-
mon things of the kingdom of God.
The Lord is the same yesterday, today
and forever. He changes not. The
Son of God is the same. He is the
Savior of the world. He is our advo-
cate with the Father. We have had
letter after letter from Elders abroad
wanting to know concerning these
things. Adam is the first man. He
was placed in the Garden of Eden, and
is our great progenitor. God the
Father, God the Son, and God the
Holy Ghost are the same yesterday, to-
day and forever. That should be suffi-
cient for us to know.
I pray God to bless these Apostles,
and to bless us all, and to give us wis-
dom and power to magnify our calling
and to do our duty before the Lord,
that we may be prepared to give an
account of our stewardship while dwell
ing in the flesh. I pray that the Lord
will be merciful to us as a people, and
give those who bear the Priesthood
power to build up Zion and prepare the
way for the of the Son of Man,
which may God grant, for Christ's sake.
hand of God is beginning to be manifest in the earth. Judgment is at the
door; calamity awaits the nations of the
earth; but we ourselves should be prepared to stand in holy places while the
judgments of God are manifest in the
Now, brethren and sisters, let us be
humble before the Lord; let us remember our prayers; let us try to do our
duty; and when we do this. the blessings
of God will be with us. I felt yesterday that I wished I could see all the
young men in Israel before Brother while he spoke to us for
half an hour (it ought to have been two
hours) on the evil of this tobacco business. We should let alone all these
evils, and our children should also, that
they might be prepared to go forth as
holy vessels and servants of God to
bear record of this Gospel. We are
not yet through preaching the Gospel.
We send our sons abroad, and many of
them go before they know whether this is
the Church of God or not. I need not
stand up here and testify before this
congregation that this is the Church of
God on the earth. Thousands of you have
know that for yourselves. You have been
abroad; I have been abroad; these
Apostles have been abroad; and we
have administered the ordinances of the
Gospel of Christ. We have laid hands
upon the sick, and the sick have been
healed; devils have been cast out, the
lame have leaped, the deaf have heard,
the dumb have spoken, in this Church
in our day and generation. Can men
go through and experience these things
and not know for themselves whether
the work is of God or not? No. Any
man that has gone forth and administered in the ordinance of the house of
God knows that these things are true,
if he has kept the commandments of
Before I sit down I want to say a word
to the Elders of Israel on another subject. I am called an old man; I guess I
am. I was thinking just now, in speaking of the Apostles and Prophets. that
were with when he made
his last speech, I am the only man living
that was with him at that time. The
rest are to-day in the spirit world. How
much longer I shall talk to this people
I do not know; but I want to say this to
all Israel: Cease troubling yourselves
about who God is; who is, who
Christ is, who Jehovah is. For heaven's
sake, let these things alone. Why
trouble yourselves about these things?
God has revealed Himself, and when the
121st section of the Doctrine and
Covenants is fulfilled, whether there be
one God or many gods they will be revealed to the children of men, as well
as all thrones and dominions, principalities, and powers. Then why trouble
yourselves about these things? God is
God. Christ is Christ. The Holy
Ghost is the Holy Ghost. That should
be enough for you and me to know. If
we want to know any more, wait till we
get where God is in person. I say this
because we are troubled every little
while with inquiries from Elders anxious
to know who God is, who Christ is, and
who Adam is. I say to the Elders of
Israel, stop this. Humble yourselves
before the Lord; seek for light, for
truth, and for a knowledge of the common things of the kingdom of God.
The Lord is the same yesterday, to-day,
and forever. He changes not. The
Son of God is the same. He is the
Savior of the world. He is our advocate with the Father. We have had
letter after letter from Elders abroad
wanting to know concerning . Adam is the first man. He
was placed in the , and
is our great progenitor. God the
Father, God the Son, and God the
Holy Ghost, are the same yesterday, today and forever. That should be sufficient for us to know.
I pray God to bless these Apostles,
and to bless us all, and to give us wisdom and power to magnify our calling
and to do our duty before the Lord,
that we may be prepared to give an
account of our stewardship while dwelling in the flesh. I pray that the Lord
will be merciful to us as a people, and
give those who bear the Priesthood
power to build up Zion and prepare the
way for the coming of the Son of Man,
which may God grant, for Christ's sake. Amen.