Their is to day but one of the first Quorum
of Twelve Apostles who are in the Church
Living Orson Pratt & but 2 of the
2nd Quorum John Taylor & Wilford
Woodruff how long we shall Live the
Lord knoweth I do not. The General
Conference of the Church met to day
in the big Tabernacle in Salt Lake City
while I am hid up from my Enemies
in this barren Desert country for keeping
one of the commandments of God
Will the next April Conference find
me alive & a free man God knoweth
~ Monday
7. We had a terrible sand storm to day
the wind Blew so hard that it was almost
impossible for Men to work out Doors John W. placed his ram in the creek to
day He had 12 feet fall, water run through
the 1 1/2 inch pipe and raised water in the
inch pipe 100 feet which brought the
water into the fort on top of the Hill
which was a vary ingenious invention
Their is to day but one of the first Quorum
of Twelve Apostles who one in it Church
Living Orson Pratt & but 2 of the
2d Quorum John Taylor & Wilford
Woodruff how long we shall Live the
Lord knoweth I do not The General
Conference of the Church met to day
in the big Tabernacle in Salt Lake City
while I am hid up from my Enemies
in this barren Desert Country for keeping
One of the Commandments of God
Will the next April Conference find
me alive & a free man God knoweth
~ Monday
7. we had a terrible sand storm to day
the wind Blew so hard that it was almost
impossible for Man to work out Doors
John W. placed his water ram in the Creek to
day He had 12 feet fall water rum through
the 1 1/2 inch pipe cmol passed water in the
inch pipe 100 feet which brought the
water into the fort on top of the Hill
which was a vary ingenious invention
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