W W spoke 10 Minuts vary plain
I met in the Even[in]g with the priesthood & we
regulated the price of the tithing of this country
~ Sunday
28. Sunday I administered to Br Greer & Bl[esse]d him we met at 10 oclok. John Bush prayed
Reports of the several Branches of this stake was
then read By the Clerk John R Hewlet. The General
Authorities of the Church were then presented
By Jesse N. Smith. And Local Authorities &
Home Missionaries & Indian Missionaries all
presented & sustained. W W spoke 50 M.
Br Gibbons 42 M. John Burnham 15 M.
Afternoon Br Mann spoke 25 M. Lot Smith
spoke 21. Jesse N Smith 10 M. W W spoke
55 Minutes in the power of God
Jesse N Smith chose Br Oscar Mann for
his second councillor I orda[ine]d him an[d] set him apart for this office
~ Monday
29. We parted with our friends & drove to Woodruff & spent the night 25 M[iles].
~ Tuesday
30 A plesant Morning we drove to St Josph
we held a Meeting & spoke to the people 25 Miles
~ Wednesday
Oct 1. I cast up the Number of American
Indians as reported in the Agencies and Jail
27 Sept WW spoke 10 Minuts vary plains
I met in the Eveg with the priesthood & we
reguated the price of the tithing of this Country
~ Sunday
28. Sunday I administered to Br Greer & Blr
lins we met at 10 oclok. John Bush prayed
Reports of the several Branches of this Stake was
then read By the Clerk John R Hewlet The General
Authorities of the Church were then presented
By Jesse N. Smith. And Local Authorities &
Home Missionaries & Indian Missionaries ??
protected & sustained. WW spoke 50 M.
Br Gibbons 42 Minutes, John Burnham 15 Minutes.
Afternoon Br Mann spoke 25 M, Lot Smith
spoke 21, Jesse N Smith 10 M. WW spoke
55 Minuts in the power of God
Jesse N Smith chose Br Oscar Mann for
his second Councillor I ordained him and
set him apart for this office
~ Monday
29. we parted with our friends & drove to
Woodruff & spent the night 25 Miles.
~ Tuesday
30 A plesant Mornig we drove to St Joseph
we held a Meetig & spoke to the people 25 Miles
~ Wednesday
Oct 1. I cast up the Number of American
Indians as Reported in the Agencies and had
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