You are no doubt already aware
of the fact that Apostle F. M. Lyman
and Elder B. H. Roberts of your church
commenced a series of meetings, in
the chapel belonging to the Reor-
ganized church at this place, on
or about the 20th ult. which was freely
profered them by the officers & members
of said church; and for the use of said
house, Elders Lyman & Roberts very
emphatically expressed their thanks in
behalf of the church to which they belong,
and just as emphatically promised
to use their influence in behalf of the
traveling & local ministry of the
You are no doubt already aware
of the fact that Apostle F. M. Lyman
and Elder B. H. Roberts of your church
commenced a series of meetings, in
the chapel belonging to the Reorganized church at this place, on
or about the 20th Ult. which was freely
profered them by the officers & members
of said church; and for the use of said
house, Elders Lyman & Roberts very
emphatically expressed their thanks in
behalf of the church to which they belong,
and just as emphatically promised
to use their influence in behalf of the
traveling & local ministry of the
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Letter from D. L. Harris and R. R. Dana, 14 March 1894," p. 1, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,