5th 25
And fourteen hundred sixty four millions & four hundred &
eighty thousand Roman Crowns of silvers which at five shillings
the silver crown & six shillings the gold crown, amount to
nine hundred & eleven millions, four hundred & sixteen
thousand two hundred & seven pounds four shillings sterling.
To this if we add annual revenue, which
was one million of crowns his trucking to for
gold, & the presents made him by all the earth as
mentioned, so that he exceeded all the kings of the world
for riches; [1 Kings 9:28] we are not to wonder at his being able to carry
on this expensive Temple, & that it surpassed all the structures of
the world for magnificence & contrivance since it was
built by the direction of Heaven. The glorious Temple
was for the sins of the world people Destroyed by
at the end of the eleventh and the bigining of the Twelfth year
reign of in the year of the world 3515 and 588
years before Christ. [2 Kings 25:8-9] The second Temple was rebuilt at at the
and of 70 years when the Jews returned from the Babylonish
captivity; but the workman were oblieged to keep swords by them
to repuls the samaritans, who watched all opportunitis of
obstructing them in the work. [Ezra 4:1-7] The second Temple fell far short
of the glory & magnificence of the former built by King Solomon
both as the structure & ornaments; Neither had it the pot of
manna, the rod of , the Ark of the Covenant with
two tables of the same, nor the fire of sacrafice, which were
ordered to be kept perpetually in the Holy of Holies or Sanctum
Sanctorum, as a memorail forever. Fourth I must
add it is recorded in Scriptires, that when king
was giving his advise to his son Solomon [1 Chronicles 22:6-16]; he exhorts him
to build a house for the Lord, & to show how much he
And fourteen hundred sixty four millions & four hundred &
eighty thousand Roman Crowns of Likes which at five shillings
the silver crown & six shillings the gold crown, amount to
nine hundred & eleven millions, four hundred & sixteen
thousand two hundred & seven p9ounds four shillings sterling.
To this we add annual revenue, which
was one million of crowns his tracking to Ophir for
gold, & the presents made him by all the castle as
mentioned, so that he exceeded all the kings of the world
for riches; we are not to wonder at his being able to carry
on this expensive Temple & that it surpassed all the structures of
the world for magnificence & contrivance since it was
built by the direction of Heaven. The glorious Temple
was for the sins of the people Destroyed by
at the reign of in the year of the world 3515 and 588
years before Christ. The second Temple was rebuilt at at the
and of 70 years when the Jews returned from the Babylonians
captivity; but the workman were oblieged to keep swords by them
to repeal the samaritans, who watched all opportunities of
obstructing them in the work. Ezra 4:1-7 The second Temple fell for short
of the glory & magnificence of the former built by King Solomon
both as the structure & ornaments; neither had it the rot of
manna, the rod of , the Ark of the Covenant with
two tables of the same, nor the fire of sacrafice, which were
ordered to be kept perpetually in the Holy of Holies or Sanction
Sanctorires, as a memorail forever. Fourth I must
add is recorded in Scriptires that when King
was giving his advise to his son Solomon; he exhorts him
to build a house for the Lord, & to show how much he