and will lead the Elders to them. A remarkable instance of this was
manifest in my own experience in while laboring in Stafford-
shire was preaching & baptizing daily and one night I went into the
City Hall of the Town of Hanley and as I was about to arise to speak
to a large assembly the voice of the spirit of God to me was this is the last
meeting you will hold with this people for many days I was asstonished
at this as I had a weeks appointments out before me I told the people
it would be the last meeting I would hold with them for many days
they were as much asstonished as I was at the close of the meeting several
came forward for baptisim and many asked where I was going I told
them I did not know, I went before the Lord and asked where I
should go the voice of the Lord said go to the south I got into a
stage & rode 80 miles south into Herefordshire and the first mans
home I stayed was John Benbows who received me kindly & I conversed
with him & his wife untill 2 oclock in the morning & I readily found
out why the Lord had sent me there their was a company of 600 to
which Br Benbow belonged called united Brethren who were desiring
for light and truth had got as far as they could and were praying for the Lord
to open their way and the Lord had sent me to them and the result
was that in the first 30 days after my arrival in their midst I baptized
some 45 preacher of the united Brethren including Thomas Kington then presidind
Elder & placed in my hands all their Chapels & homes licensed for
preaching I baptized the whole of the 600 except one man and during eight
months labor there I brought into the Church some 1800 Saints including
near 100 preachers of the various denominations. Now I knew nothing
about this people or their preperation for the Gospel untill the Lord
sent me to them by revelation
and will lead the Elders to them. A remarkable instance of this was
manifest in my own experience in 1840 while laboring in Staffordshire was preaching & baptizing daily and one night I went into the
City Hall of the Town of Hanley and as I was about to arise to speak
to a large assembly the voice of the spirit of God to me was this is the last
meeting you will hold with this people for many days I was asstonished
at this as I had a weeks appointments out before me I told the people
it would be the last meeting I would hold with them for many days
they were as much asstonished as I was at the close of the meeting several
came forward for baptisim and many asked where I was going I told
them I did not know, I went before the Lord and asked where I
should go the voice of the Lord said go to the south I got into a
stage & rode 80 miles south into Herefordshire and the first mans
home I stayed was John Benbows who received me kindly & I conversed
with him & his wife untill 2 oclock in the morning & I readily found
out why the Lord had sent me there their was a company of 600 to
which Br Benbow belonged called united Brethren who were desiring
for light and truth had got as far as they could and were praying for the Lord
to open their way and the Lord had sent me to them and the result
was that in the first 30 days after my arrival in their midst I baptized
some 45 preacher of the united Brethren including Thomas Kington then presidind
Elder & placed in my hands all their Chapels & homes licensed for
preaching I baptized the whole of the 600 except one man and during eight
months labor there I brought into the Church some 1800 Saints including
near 100 preachers of the various denominations. Now I knew nothing
about this people or their preperation for the Gospel untill the Lord
sent me to them by revelation
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"Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal Notes 3," p. 12, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 16, 2025,