if their is any who was in Jackson County & other places
& have Helped to build up the kingdom of God in the
early days we want to bless them first & if their is any
man or child who went in the Battalion or in
the Pioneers come forward & get your Blessings Before
others & we will bless you if you are faithful their
is no Blessing in the celestial Law or kingdom of God but
what you will get I want to be sealed to my Father before
I shall be a legal heir. If I was to die & their was not a
child of mine to live to do it for me some Friend would be
raised up to do it for me if not my Body will soon be raised
up and I would be in some temple with my Brethren to
tell them what to do I can see the Hearts of men & the spirits of
of men if they do triy to be hid I can see them I see many
who asspire to be the first & to be exhalted above their fellows
But I can tell you all you will be rewarded according
to what you do whether you do little or much or nothing
at all some wish to be above Brother Brigham why was I not
called before Brother BrighamJoseph why does not some
one ask the Lord to appoint them to be above Brother Brigham
but the Lord will laugh at you such forget the kingdom of God
they are corrupt let evry man say what can I do to build up
the kingdom of God Ask the Mother who is triying to do the will
of God what Her reward will Be they will say I dont know I
will say if you are faithful & satisfied with yor condition in
this life and you will be blessed & satisfyed with your conditon
in the world to come let evry one strive to be satisfyed
with their condition in life & that will be a Blessing to them
we are in debt & we can pay those debts in oxen now
we want to have the Brethren turn out some oxen to pay
those debts &c
Elder Banks followed in some interesting
remarks & said the spirit of God was burning like a fire
in his bones I dont ask Brother Young to say that the
Lord has sent him & that He must say this or that in the nam[e]
of the Lord I dont belive that any man has made a sacrifis
for this kingdom for all that a man does He gets his
reward for not ownly in this world but in the word to come
eternal life. it is distressing to hear men say they want
the president to get a Revelation in order to do this or that
His council to me is sufficient. I Also hear men say that
we are the off scourings of the Earth it is a great Burlesk on
the Church & kingdom of God yfour you are the greatest people
& the most Blessed of any on Earth you have power to teach
kings & princes & potentates of the Earth tremble. I have seen
a man that had learned But 3 letters & forgotten 2 of wasthem
was ignorant yet He made A learned Doctor fear & tremble &
leave the House this people are a wonderful people there are none
like them I Have herd the president say that instead of our
being called to pay one tenth we should be healed as Tithing & end
all we possess be ready to help build up the kingdom of God the spirt
of God is w with this people
Brother John Young next
Addressed the assemble & bore Testimony tha Joseph Smith
was a prophet of God tha Brigham Yong H. C. kimball & W Richards
if their is any who was in Jackson County & other places
& have helped to build up the kingdom of God in the
early days we want to bless them first & if their is any
man or child who went in the Battalion or in
the Pioneers come forward & get your blessings before
others & we will bless you if you are faithful their
is no blessing in the Celestial Law or kingdom of God but
what you will get I want to be sealed to my Father before
I shall be a legal heir. If I was to die & their was not a
child of mine to live to do it for me Some Friend would be
raised up to do it for me if not my Body will soon be raised
up and I would be in some temple with my Brethren to
tell them what to do I can see the Hearts of man & the Spirits of
of men if they do try to be hid I can see them I see many
who asspire to be the first & to be exhalted above their fellows
but I can tell you all you will be rewarded according
to what you do whether you do little or much or nothing
at all some wish to be above Brother Brigham why was I not
called before Brother Joseph why does not some
one ask the Lord to appoint them to be above Brother Brigham
but the Lord will laugh at you such forget the kingdom of God
they are corrupt let evry man say what can I do to build up
the kingdom of God Ask the Mother who is trying to do the will
of God what her reward will be they will say I dont know I
will say if you are faithful & satisfied with your condition in
this life and you will be blessed & satisfyed with your conditon
in the world to come let evry one strive to be satisfyed
with their condition in life & that will be a blessing to them
we are in debt & we can pay those debts in oxen now
we want to have the Brethren turn out some oxen to pay
those debts &c
Elder Banks followed in some interesting
remarks & said the spirit of God was burning like a fire
in his bones I dont ask Brother Young to say that the
Lord has sent him & that he must say this or that in the name
of the Lord I dont belive that any man has made a sacrific
for this kingdom for all that a man does he gets his
reward for not ownly in this world but in the word to come
Eternal life. it is distressing to hear men say they want
the president to get a Revelation in order to do this or that
his council to me is sufficient. I also hear men say that
we are the off scourings of the Earth it is a great burlesk on
the Church & kingdom of God for you are the greatest people
& the most blessed of any on Earth you have power to teach
kings & princes & potentates of the Earth tremble. I have seen
a man that had learned but 3 letters & forgotten 2 of them
was ignorant yet he made a learned Doctor fear & tremble &
leave the House this people are a wonderful people there are none
like them I have herd the Presidet say that instead of our
being called to pay one tenth we should be healed as Tithing & end
all we possess be ready to help build up the kingdom of God the spirt
of God is w with this people
Brother John Young next
addressed the assemble & bore Testimony tha Joseph Smith
was a prophet of God tha Brigham Yog H. C .Kimball & W Richards
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"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," April 9, 1852, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 28, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/n5Pp