Signs of the times and remarks upon the year AD. 1849
The narrative of the year 1849 forms A remarkable chapter in the History
of the world. perhaps no single year has embraced a greater number
of important events or involved so great & lasting consequences in such
a variety of relations. The overthrow of the Sikhs the esstablishment of
the British Power on the ruins of the Sikh dynasty the deposition of the pope
the declaration of the Roman Republic and its early extintion by the French
intervention & the struggles in sardinia, the movements of the people in Jerm-
any; the contest between the Danes and Jermans; the intervention of Russia
in Hungaryian affairs; the fall of Hundgary; the overthrow of Venice and
the movements in the national mind of France on social question are all
pregnant with vast Results Also the passing of the Bill in the British Parliament
on the 23rd of Feb granting to Jews the right to seats in the Parliament of Great
Britiain is one strong omien of the redemption of that peculiar people. These
in connexion with storms, whirlwinds, earthquakes, fires and the most desola
ting pestilence & Plagues which has swept over Europe & eastern world shows
clearly to the reflecting mind who has any portion of the Testimony of Jesus Christ
that the Great God has commenced his controversy with all Nations and that
Great Babylon is coming in Rememberance befor God. And when we turn our
attention to the western Hemisphere the United States of America, any
true seer might Justly say that notwithstanding thy Nation O Land
like the Antedeluvian world & Sodom & Gomorrow boast of their union strength
goodness greatness & glory. Yet it is here that I behold the signs of the
times big with events. it is here that I behold the clouds thicken the
Heavens gather Blackness, And the wrath of God ready to fall upon they head
for thou aret worthy. Notwithstanding O America thou art blowing aloud
thy trumpet of fame & honor to all the world in sympathizing with Cossuth
and other Brave Hungarians and offering a Home to the oppressed of
All nations. Still thou art the man who dare commit the blackest
deeds of the Earth. It is here the God of Heaven has commenced to set
up his kingdom and offered thee the gospel of Jesus Christ to save
the from the wrath of God. It is here whare that kingdom & gospel has
been rejected first. It is here whare Presidents Govornors Judges
and rulers of the Land with thousands of the people have brocken the
laws & Constitution of the United States and the several states by turning
mob And persecuting many of their own citizens who were the Saints
of God, have deprived them of the rigths of citizenship, burned their
goods & dwellings taken some of them proisiooners held mock trials over
them by a mob Jury who were their Jury by Day & guard by night who
would pour whiskey down each others throats And then God Dam
God, And Jesus Christ the Holy Ghost, And evry religious sect they could
think of & close their songs twith the words GodDam the God dDam Mormons
then would imprision the saints in chains and feed them on Human
flesh, And finally murdered many of the Saints with the Phrophets
whom God hath sent unto them to call them to repentance And when those
persecuted American cities pled at the feet of the Presidents Govornors
and Judges of the Nation, they have been rejected & ridiculed while at the
same time they have in some instances been informed that there cause was
Just. And even down to the present day evry Petition presented by the
Saints of God who have been driven into the wilderness by the cruel hand
hand of oppression is rejected in evry possible way Because of these
things the Lord hath said that He will arise out of his Hiding place
and in his fury He will vex the Nation And in his Hot displeasure
Signs of the times and remarks upon the year AD. 1849
The narrative of the year 1849 forms A remarkable chapter in the History
of the world, perhaps no single year has embraced a greater number
of important events or involved so great & lasting consequences in such
a variety of relations. The overthrow of the Sikhs the esstablishment of
the British Power on the ruins of the sikh dynasty the deposition of the pope
the declaration of the Roman Republic and its early extinction by the French
intervention & the struggles in sardinia, the movements of the people in Jermany; the contest between the Danes And Jermans; the intervention of Russia
in Hungarian affairs; the fall of Hungary; the overthrow of Venice and
the movements in the national mind of France on social questions are all
pregnant with vast Results Also the passing of the Bill in the British Parliament
on the 23rd of Feb granting to Jews the right to seats in the Parliament of Great
Britain is one strong omen of the redemption of that Peculiar people. These
in connexion with storms, whirlwinds, Earthquakes, fires and the most desola
ting pestilence & Plagues which has swept over Europe & Eastern world shows
clearly to the reflecting mind who has any portion of the Testimony of Jesus Christ
that the Great God has commenced his controversy with all Nations and that
Great Babylon is coming in Rememberance befor God. And when we turn our
attention to the western Hemisphere the United States of America, any
true seer might Justly say that notwithstanding thy Nation O Land
like the Antedeluvian world & Sodom & Gomorrow boast of their union strength
goodness greatness & glory. Yet is here that I behold the signs of the
times big with Events, it is here that I behold the clouds thicken the
Heavens gather Blackness, And the wrath of God ready to fall upon thy head
For thou art worthy. Notwithstanding O America thou art blowing aloud
thy trumpet of fame & honor to all the world in sympathizing with Cossuth
and other Brave Hungarians and offering a Home to the oppressed of
All nations, still thou art the man who dare commit the blackest
deeds of the Earth. It is here the God of Heaven has commenced to set
up his kingdom and offered thee the gospel of Jesus Christ to save
the from the wrath of God. It is here whare that kingdom & gospel has
been rejected first. It is here whare Presidents Govornors Judges
and rulers of the Land with thousands of the people have broaken the
laws & Constitution of the United States and the several states by turning
mob And persecuting many of their own citizens who were the saints
of God, have deprived them of the rights of citizenship, burned their
goods & dwellings, taken some of them prisoners held mock trials over
them by a mob Jury who were their Jury by Day & guard by night who
would pour whiskey down each others throats And then God Dam
God, And Jesus Christ the Holy Ghost, And evry religious sect they could
think of & close their songswith the words GodDam the GodDam Mormons
then would imprision the saints in chains and feed them on Human
flesh, And finally murdered many of the Saints with the Prophets
whom God hath sent unto them to call them to Repentance And when those
persecuted American citizens pled at the feet of the Presidents Govornors
and Judges of the Nation, they have been rejected & ridiculed while at the
same time they have in some instances been informed that there cause was
Just. And even down to the present day evry Petition presented by the
Saints of God who have been driven into the wilderness by the cruel hand
hand of oppression is rejected in evry possible way Because of these
things the Lord hath said that He will arise out of his Hiding place
and in his fury He will vex the Nation And in his Hot displeasure
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"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," December 31, 1849, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025,