we can see that the Lord caused us to accomplish
what we could not have done we see today a great mass
of Saints before us we have been sustained by the Hand
of God in all thes things. The Lord hath said I will give
you an inheritance that you shall have in time & eternity
And Israel shall be led by the keys which I have given [Doctrine and Covenants 35:25]
we have been led into a goodly land with our good Houses
& fields of grain & all good things so their is Hardly room
enough to receive it can it be possible that any man
after seeing all the goodness of God up to this time
can have a doubt about this work being true can you
find a people that has got wisdom enough to get a revela-
tion for themselves unless God is with them this people are
willing to do all things as far as they understand the Mormons
are increasing & will incres and their is no power that will
stop the work of the Latter Day Saintts. I rejoiced this
forenoon while looking upon the faces of the saints & to see the spirit of
God upon them & that their union was increasing & that they wished
to hear & learn truth He refered to a certain revelation that said
that Zion should look upward & their tunion be incresed & was
strengthened then Zion should look down from above
refering to the Zion of Enoch And that Zion would come
& the Heavens would shake with gladness & the Earth would
tremble with gladness and they will build up each other [JST, Genesis 9:21-25]
I want to see that day come that we may see the old Jerrus
alem Jentlemnt Adam this people will then look but small
in comparison to what will be at that time. Here are the
Twelve & seventies & thousands who will bring the gospel
to all men and Israel who are numerous will hav to have
the feelings all manifested to them they must be visited
& instructed as we have been they must be gathered
as we have been we cannot be perfect without
them no more than they can be perfect without us [Doctrine and Covenants 128:15]
they all must be gathered from the fore quarters of the
Earth & be instructed together & be prepared for
the coming of the Lord is there not a prospet of
this being done yes their is asmuch I wish you
could have a view of the state of affairs in England
there was some 40,000 Saints Baptized when I left
and there was not one in 400 but what would give
all they possessed ion Earth to be set down here
many of them would be faithful if they were here
again would not the saints on the western Islands be glad
to come Here they would & they will come you remember
the parable of the vineyard that the servants of the Lord
Had to labour & keep the top & roots equal so that the top
need not be to Heavy for the roots [Jacob 5:65-66] if we can get a
few thousands of the Saints that we can teach & instruct
so that they will become strong in faith & works then when
we nbring in thousand of weacker ones & they get tried
the strong ones can succor them & they become strong also
& the Devil have No power over them & Zion will soon
be esstablished & thousands upon thousand will come from
the Nations to take shelter under the tree of Liberty in the
gospel & kingdom of God from the dire calaminities of
we can see that the Lord caused us to accomplish
what we could not have done we see today a great mass
of Saints before us we have been sustained by the Hand
of God in all thes things. The Lord hath said I will give
you an inheritance that you shall have in time & Eternity
and Israel shall be led by the keys which I have given
we have been led into a goodly land with our good Houses
& fields of grain & all good things so their is Hardly room
enough to receive it can it be possible that any man
after seeing all the goodness of God up to this time
can have a doubt about this work being true can you
find a people that has got wisdom enough to get a revelation for themselves unless God is with them this people are
willing to do all things as far as they understand the Mormons
are increasing & will incres and their is no power that will
stop the work of the Latter Day Saints. I rejoiced this
forenoon while looking upon the faces of the saints & to see the spirit of
God upon them & that their union was increasing & that they wished
to hear & learn truth He refered to a certain Revelation that said
that Zion should look upward & their Union be incresed & was
strengthened then Zion should look down from above
refering to the Zion of Enoch And that Zion would come
& the Heavens would shake with gladness & the Earth would
tremble with gladness and they will build up each other
I want to see that day come that we may see the Old Jerrus
alem Jentlemnt Adam this people will then look but small
in comparison to what will be at that time. Here are the
Twelve & seventies & thousands who will bring the gospel
to all men and Israel who are numerous will have to have
the feelings all manifested to them they must be visited
& instructed as we have been they must be gathered
as we have been we cannot be perfect without
them no more than they can be perfect without us
they all must be gathered from the fore quarters of the
Earth & be instructed together & be prepared for
the coming of the Lord is there not a prospet of
this being done yes their is I wish you
could have a view of the state of affairs in England
their was some 40,000 saints baptized when I left
and there was not one in 400 but what would give
all they possessedon Earth to be set down here
many of them would be faithful if they were here
again would not the saints of the western Islands be glad
to come here they would & they will come you remember
the parable of the vineyard that the servants of the Lord
had to labour & keep the top & roots Equal so that the top
need not be to heavy for the roots if we can get a
few thousands of the Saints that we can teach & instruct
so that they will become strong in faith & works then we
wan bring in thousand of weaker ones & they get tried
the strong ones can succor them & they become strong also
& the Devil have No power over them & Zion will soon
be Esstablished & thousands upon thousands will come from
the Nations to take shelter under the tree of Liberty in the
gospel & kingdom of God from the dire calamnities of
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," April 6, 1852, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 29, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/68jN