of famine Pestilence & wars which will be poured out upon
the whole Earth there is sumthing els to be done to prepare
this people for coming events Here are many of the remnant
of Joseph that have got to be felt after & redeemed I Believe
the singns of the times indicate that that the time has come when
the work must commence if they are sunk in the lowest depths
of degredation yet they are the chosen seed the Desendants of
Joseph who was sold into Egypt the promises are unto
them they must be redeemed could we be placed [ink blot] [i]n a bettr
condition to commence the work than we Now are we cannot
look what way we will they are all around us And the prom-
ises of God are to be fulfilled then shall we not pray for
them let us exercise faith in their behalf & do all we can
for them. No you not they are to be the main instrumts
that will build up Zion & Her Temples And all the
Gentiles who repent shall assist the remnant of Jacob to
build up Zion & the power of Heaven will come down to Help
them. First we are to introduce the gospel to them & teach
them the principles of the kingdom of God & give them the prie-
sthood. Do you want to see the Zion of God built up & the
Temple of the Lord reared up in this Generation upon the conse-
crated land then pray for the remnets of Joseph & their
redemption for they have to assist in gathering all the House
of Joseph & when they all get together the Heavens can no
longer be stayed but their prayers & faith will prevail
& the Heavens will come down & meet with the Saints then
be ready ye Elders of Israel to go when the Lord calls
upon you by his servants to leave all to go to preach the
gospel to them in their own language & tongue and the
power of God will rest upon you I believe the Lord
will send forth his messengers who are ordained unto this
power to go forth unto the Lamanites & will clothe them with
far greater power than when they were sent unto the
corrupt Gentiles the Lord will not come untill we go to
this people we have a portion of the power of God with us
but not in its fulness as it will be in days to come this
people will have to be tried in all things & proven & whn they
are found faithful & united they will then thrash the
Nations by the power of the spirit of God & they cannot
Help themselves
Orson Spencer then arose & made
a few remarks. Felt to rejoice in the principle that Had
been presented to us they had cheered his heart & the
Hearts of this people I hope we shall improve & be faithful
for these principle are true The Lord says my people shall
be willing in the day of my power that people who have givn
the war hoop & crept through the brush find the spirit of God
& of ther Father Jacob once more running through their
veins & the people who think they are almost extinguished
will find they are still alive & will fulfill all that is
said concerning them But I must say nothing I must
Hush. I will Hush. But will God Hush & be still
No He will stir up the remnants of Joseph in his our
& in his own time The Nations of the Earth are trying to Bond
together they may do so & be prepared for the day of Burning
the child will be taken care of untill He can take care of
of famine Pestilence & wars which will be poured out upon
the whole Earth there is sumthing els to be done to prepare
this people for coming Events Here are many of the remnant
of Joseph that have got to be felt after & redeemed I believe
the signs of the times indicate that that the time has come when
the work must commence if they are sunk in the lowest depths
of degredation yet they are the chosen seed the desendants of
Joseph who was sold into Egypt the promises are unto
them they must be redeemed could we be placed in a better
condition to commence the work than we Now are we cannot
look what way we will they are all around us and the promises of God are to be fulfilled then shall we not pray for
them let us exercise faith in their behalf & do all we can
for them. No you not they are to be the main instrumts
that will build up Zion & Her Temples and all the
Gentiles who repent shall assist the remnant of Jacob to
build up Zion & the power of Heaven will come down to Help
them. First we are to introduce the gospel to them & teach
them the principles of the Kingdom of God & give them the priesthood. Do you want to see the Zion of God built up & the
Temple of the Lord reared up in this Generation upon the consecrated land then pray for the remnets of Joseph & their
redemption for they have to assist in gathering all the House
of Joseph & when they all get together the Heavens can no
longer be stayed but their prayers & faith will prevail
& the Heavens will come down & meet with the Saints then
be ready ye Elders of Israel to go when the Lord calls
upon you by his servants to leave all to go to preach the
gospel to them in their own language & tongue and the
power of God will rest upon you I believe the Lord
will send forth his messengers who are ordained unto this
power to go forth unto the Lamanites & will clothe them with
far greater power than when they were sent unto the
corrupt Gentiles the Lord will not come untill we go to
this people we have a portion of the power of God with us
but not in its fulness as it will be in days to come this
people will have to be tried in all things & proven & whn they
are found faithful & united they will then thrash the
Nations by the power of the spirit of God & they cannot
Help themselves
Orson Spencer then arose & made
a few remarks. Felt to rejoice in the principle that had
been presented to us they had cheered his heart & the
Hearts of this people I hope we shall improve & be faithful
for these principle are true The Lord says my people shall
be willing in the day of my power that people who have givn
the war hoop & crept through the brush find the spirit of God
& of their Father Jacob once more running through their
veins & the people who think they are almost extinguished
will find they are still alive & will fulfill all that is
said concerning them. But I must say nothing I must
Hush. I will Hush. But will God Hush & be still
No He will stir up the remnants of Joseph in his our
& in his own time. The Nations of the Earth are trying to bond
together they may do so & be prepared for the day of burning
the child will be taken care of untill He can take care of
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," April 6, 1852, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 16, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/73kB