an unsettelled state And within a few days past the French
Minister at Washington has been dismissed & his Pasports
offered him & He is invited to return home. Also High
words have passed between the American & British Minister
And what the result of these things will be time must
determine but one thing is certain wars & dreadful
Judgments Await the Nations of the Earth. The destroying
Angel in the form of the chorlera has slain its tens of thou-
sands during the past seasons both in Europe & America
25th I dug my small crop of potatoes today in my garden I had
A little over A Bushel. Sister Shuah Moulton arived
at our House at night to pay us A visit she is Mrs W.
27th Brother John M. Bernhisel called upon me today
And we spent several hours together & had a good time
I Asked him many questions concerning the Salt Lake
valley the situations of the Saints there &c.
29th Elder Burgess from Gilsom called upon me & talked over
his difficulties which He had lately had in that place
~ Sunday
30th Sunday I met with the Saints in that placeCambridge-
port Dr John M Burnhiselwmet with us & gave A rehersal of
Affairs in the valley which was interesting I followed him
with remarks. He has come east as A representative from
the valley to Washington Bearing our petition to Congress
for a Territorial Government, in the Great Basin of the Rocky Mountains. At the close of the Meeting A collection
was taken up to defray his expenses toon the way of $22.05 I wrote A letter in the evening to the Bradford Branch
Recommending to the Bradford Branch Br Burnhisel
~ Monday
^^ Oct 1st I wrote A letter to Iria Foss. our equinoxial
storm is auppon us this morning I Attended A funeral this after
noon of Brother Stewart of Charleston who died of the cholera
after 6 Hours sickness iHe is the ownly member of the Church
who has died of the cholera in this country this season
an unsettelled state And within a few days past the French
Minister at Washington has been dismissed & his Pasports
offered him & He is invited to return home. Also High
words have passed between the American & British Minister
And what the result of these things will be time must
determine but one thing is certain wars & dreadful
Judgments Await the Nations of the Earth. The destroying
Angel in the form of the cholera has slain its tens of thousands during the past seasons both in Europe & America
25th I dug my small crop of potatoes to day in my garden I had
A little over A Bushel. Sister Shuah Moulton arived
at our House at night to pay us A visit she is Mrs W.
27th Brother John M. Bernhisel called upon me today
And we spent several hours together & had a good time
I Asked him many questions concerning the salt Lake
Valley the situations of the saints there &c.
29th Elder Burgess from Gilsom called upon me & talked over
his difficulties which He had lately had in that place
~ Sunday
30th Sunday I met with the saints in Cambridgeport Dr John M Bernhiselmet with us & gave A rehersal of
Affairs in the valley which was interesting I followed him
with remarks. He has come East as A representative from
the valley to Washington Bearing our petition to Congress
for a Territorial Government, in the Great Basin of the
Rocky Mountains. At the close of the Meeting A collection
was taken up to defray his expenseson the way of $22.05
[FIGURE] I wrote A letter in the evening to the Bradford Branch
Recommending to the Bradford Branch Br Burnhisel
~ Monday
[FIGURE] Oct 1st [FIGURE] I wrote A letter to Iria Foss, our Equinoxial
storm is uppon us this morning I Attended A funeral this after
noon of Brother Stewart of Charleston who died of the Cholera
after 6 Hours sickness He is the ownly member of the Church
who has died of the Cholera in this country this season
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," September 23, 1849 - October 1, 1849, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025,