followed them for many years. And The Ill consequences of removing
have been multiplied & vary great. This has been one main reason
why schools have been unproductive of good among them. This is
also whone reason why Missionaries have done no more good among them
The Indians are fast decreasing and Passing away what is the
cause of all this. There are various causes Their constant remov-
ing is one cause. Disease which has been introduced among them
By white men in the capacity of traders, missionaries, and emigrants
Also the introduction of Alchoohol have had a tendency to waste them
away. Also wars among themseves & wars with white men all of
which have continually wasted away the Indain tribes
I will here remark that in the origin of the wars with the whites
the conducting of those wars and in the treaties of peace made And
broaken the Indians have been badly treated and abused by the
whites. For instance some ruffian or trader visites the Indians
introduces wild fire or Alcohol among them & will get the Indians
drunk & pehaps drunk himself and will cheat them in any way
he can And perhaps kill some of them and in his career he gets
killed himself. then the cry goes forth that the savage Indians
are killings & murdering the inhabitants of the country. it is proclaim-
ed in all the public Journals of the Union. Yes one side of the
story is proclaimed as with peals of thunder throughout the earth
But no voice is raised in behalf of the poor Indian. their story
is not told the world hear it not they do not enquire or ask for
it. But as soon as the story of the white man is told & proclaimed
to the world, the armies of war must be prepared & soldiers
sent forth to drive and Kill the Indians and burn their home
and in this way the most desolating and expensive wars have been
carried on for many years untill we feel it is time for the white
man to take a different course with the Indians.
As an example of the bad effects of continually removing the
Indians I would refer you to the Cherokee Nation. That people
were fast imprioving following rapidly in the footsteps of the white
man had extensive farms & good dwellings and continuallyed
rapidly advancing in improvements untill they were suddenly
brought to a stand in theire course by being cruelly called upon
by the state of Georgia to give up their lands and go away from the
graves of their fathers into the willderness and thus it was that
the mighty Nation instead of recieving that support encouragement
& comfort from the Nation that He ought to recieve was forced By
the cruel hand of oppression to bow their heads in sorrow and
dispair as they wend their way to their so called home in the
wilderness whare they can find no other hope ownly to pass a few
more years in sorrow untill they shall be called to pass through the
same ordeal again to remove and remove untill they are anhilated
from off the face of the Earth. O ye white man what incour-
agement do you give the Indian to plant, to build, to learn, to
cultivate the earth, or to recieve a Religion that professes love
mercy kindness and truth while those who profess to enjoy it
deals out such deeds of oppression & cruelty upon the heads of the
red men that it drives them to madness and Despair. Let the
American Nation stay their hand from this time forth in their oppression
& drivings of the Indians lest they drive thiem beyound a point which
the Indian will endure and return a Blow upon the head of the
white man which will fill many a habitation with death. Once give
the Indians A Territory A home whare they can have a full assurance
followed them for many years. The Ill consequences of removing
have been multiplied & vary great. This has been one main reason
why schools have been unproductive of good among them. This is
alsoone reason why Missionaries have done no more good among them
The Indians are fast decreasing and Passing away what is the
cause of all this. There are various causes Their constant removing is one cause. Disease which has been introduced among them
By white men in the capacity of traders, missionaries, and Emigrants
Also the introduction of Alcohol have had a tendency to waste them
away. Also wars among themselves & wars with white men all of
which have continually wasted away the Indan tribes
I will here remark that in the origin of the wars with the whites
the conducting of those wars and in the treaties of peace made And
broaken the Indians have been badly treated and abused by the
whites. For instance some ruffian or trader visites the Indians
introduces wild fire or Alcohol among them & will get the Indians
drunk & pehaps drunk himself and will cheat them in any way
he can And perhaps kill some of them and in his career he gets
killed himself, then the cry goes forth that the savage Indians
are killings & murdering the inhabitants of the country. it is proclaimed in all the public Journals of the Union. Yes one side of the
story is proclaimed as with peals of thunder throughout the Earth
But no voice is raised in behalf of the poor Indian. their story
is not told the world hear it not they do not enquire or ask for
it. But as soon as the story of the white man is told & proclaimed
to the world, the armies of war must be prepared & soldiers
sent forth to drive and Kill the Indians and burn their home
and in this way the most desolating and expensive wars have been
carried on for many years untill we feel it is time for the white
man to take a different course with the Indians.
As an example of the bad Effects of continually removing the
Indians I would refer you to the Cherokee Nation. That people
were fast improving following rapidly in the footsteps of the white
man had extensive farms & good dwellings and continued
rapidly advancing in improvements untill they were suddenly
brought to a stand in theire course by being cruelly called upon
by the state of Georgia to give up their lands and go away from the
graves of their fathers into the wilderness and thus it was that
the mighty nation instead of recieving that support encouragement
& comfort from the Nation that He ought to recieve was forced By
the cruel hand of oppression to bow their heads in sorrow and
dispair as they wend their way to their so called home in the
wilderness whare they can find no other hope ownly to pass a few
more years in sorrow untill they shall be called to pass through the
same ordeal again to remove and remove untill they are anhilated
from off the face of the Earth. O Ye white man what incouragement do you give the Indian to plant, to build, to learn, to
cultivate the Earth, or to recieve a Religion that professes love
mercy kindness and truth while those who profess to Enjoy it
deals out such deeds of oppression & cruelty upon the heads of the
red men that it drives them to madness and Despair. Let the
American Nation stay their hand from this time forth in their oppression
& drivings of the Indians lest they drive them beyound a point which
the Indian will endure and return a Blow upon the head of the
white man which will fill many a habitation with death. Once give
the Indians A Territory A home whare they can have a full assurance
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"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," December 31, 1849, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,