27th I was sick this morning have taken cold settelled in m[y]
side. In the Afternoon I crossed the bay to Camden with Br Pearce & Luce called upon Sister Glover took tea & walked
to Goose River spent 2 Hours with Br Henry Mullen who
was at work on a ship we went to Mr Paul Perrys who
was friendly & spent the night 15 m[iles]
~ Thursday
28th Walked to East Thomaston called at John Luce & wrote
A Letter to Mrs W. Woodruff in the Afternoon we went
up to Mr Peas to Hold A Meeting And his own sons rose up &
swore they would not admit of it. they finally ruled the
Hous hold instead of the Father & we had no meeting it seemed
as though the Deveil stired up the people in Thomaston as soon
as I went into it I had A long talk with Mr Hilman who
had his mind exercised about preaching I gave him some council
I called upon Mr Colby & Lady which I found to be a Noble
pair I spent the night with Br Luce 10 m
30th In company with Br Luce I rode to Brother Wm H. Wilson
South St George I spent the night with him 20 mi
I read the New York Soun which reports 100 & 126 deaths dai[ly] SIn St Louis by cholera & 100 deaths in Cincinnati
~ Sunday
July 1st Sunday I preached to the Saints at Turkey Cove at
Elder Wm H Wilsons He informed me that John Hopper still
Holds all the property belonging to the Heirs of Nathaniel Turner
three in Number vizNathanielRebecca & David Turner
John Hopper gave a recept to Nathaniel Turner for all
the property put into his hands. The Above Named Child
should have a Guardean chosen who should hold those
recepts if they can be found & come down & settle it &
collect the money which can be obtained on presenting
the recpts which amounts to about $600.
3rd I took steemer rode to Bangor spent the night at
the House of Elder David gGibson on 3rd street She inform
me that ie Sister Gibson that Elder Gibson had gone to Calaforniagold
digings & that she And another female were the ownly Saints in t[he]
place I do not think they had much faith for they wore my
patience out in Asking Questions upon subjects wharein was No
profit I went to bed sick 50
~ Wednesday
4th July Great preparations are making to celebrate Indepanda[nce]
at Bangor & Thomaston 500 came on to the steemer this morning
[to] Go to Thomaston one company dressed up like Negros in disguise
in evry shape & form imaginable Marched on to the bank as
~ Wednesday
27th I was sick this morning have taken cold settelled in my
side. In the afternoon I crossed the bay to Camden with Br
Pearce & Luce called upon sister Glover took tea & walked
to Goose River spent 2 Hours with Br Henry Mullen who
was at work on a ship we went to Mr Paul Perrys who
was friendly & spent the night 15 m
~ Thursday
28th Walked to East Thomaston called at John Luce & wrote
a Letter to Mrs W Woodruff in the afternoon we went
up to Mr Peas to hold a Meeting and his own sons rose up &
swore they would not admit of it, they finally ruled the
Hous hold instead of the Father & we had no meeting it seemed
as though the Devil stired up the people in Thomaston as soon
as I went into it I had a long talk with Mr Hilman who
had his mind exercised about preaching I gave him some council
I called upon Mr Colby & Lady which I found to be a Noble
pair I spent the night with Br Luce 10 m
I read the New York Sun which reports 100 & 126 deaths daily
In St Louis by Cholera & 100 deaths in Cincinnati
~ Sunday
July 1st Sunday I preached to the saints at Turkey Cove at
Elder Wm H Wilsons He informed me that John Hopper still
holds all the property belonging to the Heirs of Nathaniel Turner
three in Number vizNathanielRebecca & David Turner
John Hopper gave a recept to Nathaniel Turner for all
the property put into his hands. The above Named Child
should have a Guardean chosen who should hold those
recepts if they can be found & come down & settle it &
collect the money which can be obtained on presenting
the recepts which amounts to about $600.
2nd John Luce is quite sick to day I anointed him
with Oil administered to him by prayer & the laying on
of hands
~ Tuesday
3rd I took steemer rode to Bangor spent the night at
the House of Elder David Gibson on 3rd street. She informed
me that ie sister Gibson that Elder Gibson had gone to Calafornia gold
digings & that she and another female were the ownly saints in the
place I do not think they had much faith for they wore my
patience out in asking Questions upon subjects wharein was No
profit I went to bed sick 50
~ Wednesday
4th July Great Preparations are making to celebrate Independance
at Bangor & Thomaston 500 came on to the steemer this morning
to Go to Thomaston one company dressed up like Negros in disguise
in evry shape & form imaginable Marched on to the bank as
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," June 27, 1849 - July 4, 1849, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/YExW