And if ye do this with a pure heart in all faithfulness, ye shall
be blessed, you shall be blessed in your flocks, and in your
herds, and in your fields, and in your houses, and in your famili[es]
Let my servants Ezra T. Benson and Erastus Snow organize a
company, and let my servants Orson Pratt and Wilford Woodr[uff]
organize A company: Also let my servants Amasa Lyman and George A Smith organize a company and Appoint Presidents
and Captains of hundreds and of fifties and of tens:
And let my servants that have been Appointed go and teach
this my will to the Saints, that they may be ready to go to
a land of peace. [Doctrine and Covenants 136:11-16]
Go thy way and do as I have told you; and fear not thine
enemies; for they shall not have power to stop my work.
Zion shall be redeemed in mine own due time time, and if any
man shall seek to build up himself and seeketh not my council
he shall have no power, and his folley shall be made manifes[t]
seek ye and keep all your pledges one with another and covet
not that which is thy brothers. Keep yourselves from evi[l]
to take ^not^ the name of thy God in vane; for I am the Lord your
God, even the God of your Fathers, the God of Abraham,
and of Isaac and of Jacob. I am he who led the children
of Israel out of the Land of Egypt and my arm is streched
out in the last days to save my people Israel cease to contend
one with another. Cease to speak evil one of another.
Cease drunkenness, and let your words tend to edeyfing one
another. If thou borrowest of thy neighbor, thou shalt
restore that which thou hast borrowed, and if theyou canst
not repay, then go straitway, and tell thy neighbor lest he
condemn thee. If thou shalt find that which thy neighbor
has lost, thou shalt make diligent search, till thou shalt
deliver it to him again. Thou shall be diligent in preserving
what thou hast, that thou mayest be a wise steward; for
it is the free gift of the Lord thy God, and thou art his steward
If thou art merry, praise the Lord, with singing,
with music, with dancing and with a prayer of
praise and thanksgiving. If thou art sorrowful call on
the Lord thy God with supplication, that your souls may
be joyful. Fear not thine enemies for they are in mine
hands and I will do my pleasure with them. My people
must be tried in all things, that they may be prepared to
recieve the glory that I have for them, even the glory of Zion.
And he that will not bear chastizment, is not worthy of
my Kingdom; Let him that is ignorant, learn wisdom
by humbling himself, and calling upon the Lord his God, that
his eyes may be opened that he may see, and his ears opened
that He may hear, for my spirit is sent forth into the worl[d]
to enlighten the humble And contrite, and to the condemna[t]ion
of the ungodly.
Thy brethren have rejected you and
your testimony, even the Nation that has driven you out; and
now cometh the day of their calamity, even the days of
sorrow like a woman that is taken in travel [travail]; and their
sorrow shall be great, unless they spedily repent! ^yea vary spedily^ for they
killed the prophets, and they that were sent unto them,
And they have shed innocent Blood, which crieth from
And if ye do this with a pure heart in all faithfulness, ye shall
be blessed, you shall be blessed in your flocks, and in your
herds, and in your fields, and in your houses, and in your families
Let my servants Ezra T. Benson and Erastus Snow organize a
company, and let my servants Orson Pratt and Wilford Woodruff
organize a company: Also let my servants Amasa Lyman and
George A Smith organize a company and appoint Presidents
and Captains of hundreds and of fifties and of tens:
And let my servants that have been appointed go and teach
this my will to the Saints that they may be ready to go to
a land of peace.
Go thy way and do as I have told you; and fear not thine
enemies; for they shall not have power to stop my work.
Zion shall be redeemed in mine own due time time, and if any
man shall seek to build up himself and seeketh not my council
he shall have no power, and his folley shall be made manifest
seek ye and keep all your pledges one with another and covet
not that which is thy brothers. Keep yourselves from evil
to take not the name of thy God in vane; for I am the Lord your
God, even the God of your Fathers, the God of Abraham
and of Isaac and of Jacob. I am he who led the children
of Israel out of the Land of Egypt and my arm is streched
out in the last days to save my people Israel cease to contend
one with another. Cease to speak evil one of another.
Cease drunkenness, and let your words tend to edeyfing one
another. If thou borrowest of thy neighbor, thou shalt
restore that which thou hast borrowed, and if thou canst
not repay, then go straitway, and tell thy neighbor lest he
condemn thee. If thou shalt find that which thy neighbor
has lost, thou shalt make diligent search, till thou shalt
deliver it to him again. Thou shall be diligent in preserving
what thou hast, that thou mayest be a wise steward; for
it is the free gift of the Lord thy God, and thou art his steward
If thou art merry, praise the Lord, with singing,
with music, with dancing and with a prayer of
praise and thanksgiving. If thou art sorrowful call on
the Lord thy God with supplication, that your souls may
be joyful. Fear not thine enemies for they are in mine
hands and I will do my pleasure with them. My people
must be tried in all things, that they may be prepared to
recieve the glory that I have for them, even the glory of Zion.
And he that will not bear chastizment, is not worthy of
my Kingdom; Let him that is ignorant, learn wisdom
by humbling himself, and calling upon the Lord his God, that
his eyes may be opened that he may see, and his ears opened
that he may hear, for my spirit is sent forth into the world
to enlighten the humble and contrite, and to the condemnation
of the ungodly.
Thy brethren have rejected you and
your testimony, even the Nation that has driven you out; and
now cometh the day of their calamity, even the days of
sorrow like a woman that is taken in travel; and their
sorrow shall be great, unless they spedily repent! yea vary spedily for they
killed the prophets, and they that were sent unto them,
and they have shed innocent blood, which crieth from
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"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," January 21, 1847, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025,