the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints it does compare
in every respect & contains within itself evry thing that is promis
in the great standard that was to be set up in the last days it is no
matter what this is called at the present time a church a republic
or a kingdom. the kingdom is certainly here & in vary deed
it has commenced like a mustard seed vary small but as the seed
gathers its seed mosture from the earth which causes it to spring forth
& take root so will this kingdom continue to gather the good from
all Nations untill it becomes the greatest of All kingdoms under
Heaven & untill the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom
of our God & his Christ the signs of this kingdom are appearing in
the heavens & the earth that was spoken off by Christ & the Apotles
& why should not the kingdom appear some may say I have been
Baptized Joined the Church am in the kingdom Now why may not
I go to Calafornia & get gold & take all the comfort I can in this
world well if one part of the kingdom of God have a right to
go the whole have & scatter abroad then whare is your kingdom
& gathering we are now in as good a place as we can get in
if we were to go to calafornia we would be whare we would
be in the midst of the scum of Hell. If we should go to Cal.
or New Orlens because we could get sugars for 3 cts whare would
the work of the kingdom of God be my views are that when
we are gathered we keep so & build up Temples give endowments to
the living & dead except as we go on missions abroad in the
world as the Angels would go to hell on a mission & [be] glad to
return as soon as they got through If you want gold build
up the kingdom of God make Zion a city on a hill that cannot
be hid & carry out the purposes of the Lord & then gold will
flow in unto you from all Nations your Presidency & Apostles
will then hardly have time to go out of the Temple to get their
breakfast instead of runing about to know how to get their land
ploughed so as to raise bread to eat & while all Nations are brea
king up the rich am[on]g them will invest their wealth am[on]g the
institution of Zion & not trust it am[on]g the sinking Nations
& those that wished to save their lives will flee to Zion for safety
for they will be the ownly people that will not be at war one
with another many other edifying remrks were mad[e] by the speakr
Elder Amasa Lyman followed & said that the members of
this kingdom possessed that faith & knowledge that if all the
world would say they did not believe it it would not make
any difference with them for they know of its truths The
sectarian world can write & say many putty things but
why do they not carry them into practice the main difficulty
is their is no nucleus around which to gather, in order to
practice what they preach, but we believe that when God said
he would set up a kingdom which should break in peaces
all other kingdoms & stand forever that He will perform what
He has spoken. The Lord has said that that Nation that
fought against Zion should be broaken in peaces & utterly
wasted away & while the Elders are gathering the Saints from
all Nations & kingdoms & will continue untill the winding up
scene we can make some calculation what Zion is destined
to be. many other remarks were made by Brother Lyman
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints it does compare
in every respect & contains within itself evry thing that is promis
in the great standard that was to be set up in the last days it is no
matter what this is called at the present time a church a republic
or a Kingdom. the Kingdom is certainly here & in vary deed
it has commenced like a mustard seed vary small but as the seed
gathers its mosture from the Earth which causes it to spring forth
& take root so will this Kingdom continue to gather the good from
all Nations untill it becomes the greatest of All Kingdoms under
Heaven & untill the Kingdoms of this world become the Kingdom
of our God & his Christ the signs of this Kingdom are appearing in
the heavens & the Earth that was spoken off by Christ & the Apotles
& why should not the Kingdom appear some may say I have been
Baptized Joined the church am in the Kingdom Now why may not
I go to Calafornia & get gold & take all the comfort I can in this
world well if one part of the Kingdom of God have a right to
go the whole have & scatter abroad then whare is your Kingdom
& gathering we are now in as good a place as we can get in
if we were to go to calafornia we would be whare we would
be in the midst of the scum of Hell. If we should go to Cal
or New Orlens because we could get sugar for 3 cts whare would
the work of the Kingdom of God be my views are that when
we are gathered we keep so & build up Temples give Endowments to
the living & dead except as we go on missions abroad in the
world as the Angels would go to hell on a mission & be glad to
return as soon as they got through. If you want gold build
up the Kingdom of God make Zion a city on a hill that cannot
be hid & carry out the purposes of the Lord & then gold will
flow in unto you from all Nations your Presidency & Apostles
will then hardly have time to go out of the Temple to get their
breakfast instead of runing about to know how to get their land
ploughed so as to raise bread to eat & while all Nations are brea
king up. the rich among them will invest their wealth among the
institution of Zion & not trust it among the sinking Nations
& those that wished to save their lives will flee to Zion for safety
for they will be the ownly people that will not be at war one
with another many other Edifying remrks were mad by the speakr
Elder Amasa Lyman followed & said that the members of
this Kingdom possessed that faith & knowledge that if all the
world would say they did not believe it it would not make
any difference with them for they know of its truths The
sectarian world can write & say many putty things but
why do they not carry them into practice the main difficulty
is their is no nucleus around which to gather, in order to
practice what they preach. but we believe that when God said
he would set up a kingdom which should break in peaces
all other Kingdoms & stand forever that He will perform what
He has spoken. The Lord has said that that Nation that
fought against Zion should be broaken in peaces & utterly
wasted away & while the Elders are gathering the Saints from
all Nations & Kingdoms & will continue untill the winding up
scene we can make some calculation what Zion is destined
to be. many other remarks were made by Brother Lyman
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"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," January 30, 1853, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025,