Day in the Life

Jan 30, 1853

Journal Entry

January 30, 1853 ~ Sunday

Jan 30th Sunday P. P. Pratt preached. his subject was the
Kingdom of God which was to be set up in the last days He
said if we were to take the present order rules & regulations
of either the Jews, Gentiles Christian or pagan as as Standrd
standard to set up as the patern for the great Kingdom of our
God of which the prophets had spoken their was none of the
which would fit compare or answer the purpose at all for the
last dispensation when did we ever see a generation or any
Nation make their own prophets & Apostles to get revelation
& do the wok of God. In order to set up a kingdom & gov[ernme]nt
in the last days to gather the 10 Tribes of Israel the Jews & gentiles
& all Nations Break down the Romon power build up
esstablish Zion & maintain it. it must be sumthing diff[ere]nt
from any Human government or device of man it must
originate from the heavens be governed & controlled by the
God of heaven led by inspiration & revelation in all of its
undertakings & it must contain within itself all the blessings
& covenants which God made to Abraham concerning his
seed & posterity. This kingdom is here in the valley of the
mountains it has been esstablished by the hand of God and
it embraces all that God has promised, or that is necessary to
perfect the great work or all that Jew or Gentile can look for
it embraces the whole of the New & everlasting covenant the fulness
of the gospel, with all the power & Authority of the same the
Keys of the Kingdom the endowments sealing powers the patriarchal
Matrimony & the foundation laid for gathering all Israel.

The Ancient deciples & Apostles did not set up this
kingdom as some have supposed when they inquired of
Jesus if he would at that time restore again the kingdom to
Israel Jesus informed them that it was not given to
them to know (even) the times & seasons which the Lord
had reserved unto himself when he would set up the
kingdom so they were not permitted to know the time
much less to perform the work They asked the Saviour
what they should do then He told them they should bear
witness of his name before both Jew & gentile & for
this same testimony they would have to lay down their lives
the kingdom of God was set up in their day but the people
would not permit it to remain long among [them] for they killed
the prophets, Apostles, & Elders who preached the gospel of the
of the kingdom of God & the priesthood & kingdom
of God was taken from them & they have fallen into darkness &
error. But now the kingdom of God is set up for the last time
to again restore Israel & you cannot force Israel even
by the sword to receive a kingdom & Laws & acknowledge the
great standard which is to be set up in the last days for the
governing gathering & controlling of all Israel except it
is right & according to the promises made to the Fathers & this
kingdom of God when it was to appear was to be like a mustard
seed it was to be the least of all herbs but was to grow untill the
folls fowls of heaven lodged in the branches thereoff should we
attempt to take any of the kingdoms of the world as this great
standard out of which to build the kingdom of God it would not
compare at all with the parable given, but when we take

the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints it does compare
in every respect & contains within itself evry thing that is promis
in the great standard that was to be set up in the last days it is no
matter what this is called at the present time a church a republic
or a kingdom. the kingdom is certainly here & in vary deed
it has commenced like a mustard seed vary small but as the seed
gathers its seed mosture from the earth which causes it to spring forth
& take root so will this kingdom continue to gather the good from
all Nations untill it becomes the greatest of All kingdoms under
Heaven & untill the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom
of our God & his Christ the signs of this kingdom are appearing in
the heavens & the earth that was spoken off by Christ & the Apotles
& why should not the kingdom appear some may say I have been
Baptized Joined the Church am in the kingdom Now why may not
I go to Calafornia & get gold & take all the comfort I can in this
world well if one part of the kingdom of God have a right to
go the whole have & scatter abroad then whare is your kingdom
& gathering we are now in as good a place as we can get in
if we were to go to calafornia we would be whare we would
be in the midst of the scum of Hell. If we should go to Cal.
or New Orlens because we could get sugars for 3 cts whare would
the work of the kingdom of God be my views are that when
we are gathered we keep so & build up Temples give endowments to
the living & dead except as we go on missions abroad in the
world as the Angels would go to hell on a mission & [be] glad to
return as soon as they got through If you want gold build
up the kingdom of God make Zion a city on a hill that cannot
be hid & carry out the purposes of the Lord & then gold will
flow in unto you from all Nations your Presidency & Apostles
will then hardly have time to go out of the Temple to get their
breakfast instead of runing about to know how to get their land
ploughed so as to raise bread to eat & while all Nations are brea
king up the rich am[on]g them will invest their wealth am[on]g the
institution of Zion & not trust it am[on]g the sinking Nations
& those that wished to save their lives will flee to Zion for safety
for they will be the ownly people that will not be at war one
with another many other edifying remrks were mad[e] by the speakr

Elder Amasa Lyman followed & said that the members of
this kingdom possessed that faith & knowledge that if all the
world would say they did not believe it it would not make
any difference with them for they know of its truths The
sectarian world can write & say many putty things but
why do they not carry them into practice the main difficulty
is their is no nucleus around which to gather, in order to
practice what they preach, but we believe that when God said
he would set up a kingdom which should break in peaces
all other kingdoms & stand forever that He will perform what
He has spoken. The Lord has said that that Nation that
fought against Zion should be broaken in peaces & utterly
wasted away & while the Elders are gathering the Saints from
all Nations & kingdoms & will continue untill the winding up
scene we can make some calculation what Zion is destined
to be. many other remarks were made by Brother Lyman

I attended prayer meeting with the Presidency & Twelve in the Af-
ternoon & I preached in the evening to a full House in the 14th
Ward school House I also spoke upon the kingdom of God
said that none of the words of the Lord spoken would retu-
rn unto him void but would accomplish all that he had
declaired that the Elders were gaining more strength &
confidence & power, in declairing the kingdom of God to
the world. I confirmed one member of the Chuch


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244 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Lyman, Amasa Mason
30 Mar 1813 - 4 Feb 1877
298 mentions
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
548 mentions


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In order to set up a kingdom & gov[ernme]nt in the last days to gather the 10 Tribes of Israel the Jews & gentiles & all Nations break down the Romon power build up esstablish Zion & maintain it. it must be sumthing diff[ere]nt from any Human government or device of man it must originate from the heavens be governed & controlled by the God of heaven led by inspiration & Revelation in all of its undertakings & it must contain within itself all the blessings & covenants which God made to Abraham concerning his seed & posterity. This Kingdom is here in the valley of the mountains it has been esstablished by the hand of God and it embraces all that God has promised, or that is necessary to perfect the great work or all that Jew or Gentile can look for it embraces the whole of the New & everlasting covenant the fulness of the gospel, with all the power & Authority of the same the Keys of the Kingdom the endowments sealing powers the patriarchal Matrimony & the foundation laid for gathering all Israel.
~ Parley Pratt
I also spoke upon the kingdom of God said that none of the words of the Lord spoken would retu- rn unto him void but would accomplish all that he had declaired that the Elders were gaining more strength & confidence & power, in declairing the Kingdom of God to the world.
~ Wilford Woodruff
February 6, 1853 ~ Sunday 6th Sunday I attended meeting Elder Lorenzo Snow preached He spoke vary well exhorted the saints to faithfulness the young men to study the different languages that they might be useful among the Nations He exhorted the saints that was expetg [expecting] to stay in the valley to do all they could to forward the work of God He said if any of the brethren wanted to be marterd or lay down their lives for Christ sake they can have a chance by going to Europe or some of those foreign Nations He said that after the Danish Government had banished the Amarican Elders from the Kingdom that the native brethren said to the poliece the seed is sown the truth is here it is in our hearts & we are here ourselves & shall defend the truth
~ Lorenzo Snow
President B Young followed & said the organization of man is one of the deepest subjects that the phylosopher of the day attempt to investig[at]e the mystery of man in his organiza tion has been a study for ages it has been a mystery but it is because of ignorance their is no such thing as mystery or miracle ownly to the ignorant any intelligent being that knows the caus & effect of things it is no myracle or mystery it is our privilege to asspire after that knowledge that the greatest intel igance possesses we should take that course that we may ever increase in knowledge than we are sure of exhaltation
~ Brigham Young
I am like the rest of you that when the light of truth shines upon me my mind enlightened and I am asstonished to look at the world of mankind their actions are like little Children you look at your children about the House & you will see pe[r]fect pattern of the world
~ Brigham Young

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Jan 30, 1853