if comm[an]dments are given us & we dont obey then our
light becomes darkness then how great is that darkness [Matthew 6:23]
it would be better for him not to have the light at all
If the Lord had given all men all they have Asked for
they would many of them been out of the Church now. I have
herd many say I have Asked the Lord to reveal certain
principls unto me & He did not do it but this is because it
was not wisdom to give it unto you But if you are faithful
the day will come when God will give any man what He
asks for if He asks for it in righteousness. I believe the
Lord loves this people & is prepareing us to recieve all good
things the day will come when the Lamanites will build
a city called the New Jerrusalem. They not we build
it we with all the Gentiles who repent will help build it
the powers of Heaven will be revealed & Jesus be in our
midst And the power of Heaven be revealed By Adam
& all men will hear it in the kingdom of God And all secrets
& key words of the priesthood & all things will be revealed
I hope you will harken to council & do all things which
God requires of us in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
~ Sunday
Sunday 12thS M Blair spoke to the people & gave a
good exhortation
Brother Simeon Carter followed the same day spoke of the deeds
of the prophet. He knew the Twelve had to lead, had no desire
to follow any Body els. He was followed By Brother Major
~ Sunday
Sunday 20th [19th] Oct. Elder O Pratt spoke upon the death
of Sister Hendricks. He was thankful we as a people were
settelled in these vallies of the Mountains whare it was
Healthy we have here to fore suffered much by sickness in
other places but we cannot get entirely away from
sickness & death let us go whare we will in this life
for all men must taste of death, even those who
were translated had to have a change to Immortality
their may be some pain attending that even if it
was ownly for an instant. Their must be some space
between death & the resurrection sin is the cause of this
evil even death without sin man would have been
Immortal. If I should hear of a God who had made
man to have pain & sorrow without any Agency or sin
I could not have any confidence in him, & the Heavens could
not it may be said it is necessary to have sorrow & misery
in order to enjoy good the Lord when He made the world
knew how to fix things so that man should Bring upon
himself death evil & sorrow if He had a[gen]cy. He planted
the tree of knowledge of good & Evil in the midst of the
garden little children did not commit sin but their
parents did it was not our own sins that Brought death
but the sin of our first parents death being introduced
into the world we all partake of it [Romans 5:12] if we had not the great
plan of salvation Revealed we should be without law
if it was not for Revelation we should not know that
we had an Immortal spirit within us. we should take
if commandments are given us & we dont obey then our
light becomes darkness then how great is that darkness
it would be better for him not to have the light at all
If the Lord had given all men all they have asked for
they would many of them been out of the Church now I have
herd many say I have Asked the Lord to reveal certain
principls unto me & He did not do it but this is because it
was not wisdom to give it unto you but if you are faithful
the day will come when God will give any man what he
asks for if he asks for it in righteousness. I believe the
Lord loves this people & is preparing us to recieve all good
things the day will come when the Lamanites will build
a city called the New Jerrusalem. They not we build
it we with all the Gentiles who repent will help build it
the powers of Heaven will be revealed & Jesus be in our
midst and the power of Heaven be revealed by Adam
& all men will hear it in the kingdom of God and all secrets
& key words of the priesthood & all things will be revealed
I hope you will harken to council & do all things which
God Requires of us in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
~ Sunday
Sunday 12th S M Blair spoke to the people & gave a
good exhortation
Brother Simeon Carter followed the same day spoke of the deeds
of the prophet He knew the Twelve had to lead, had no desire
to follow any body els. He was followed By Brother Major
~ Sunday
Sunday 20th 19th Oct Elder O Pratt spoke upon the death
of Sister Hendricks. He was thankful we as a people were
settelled in these vallies of the Mountains whare it was
healthy we have here to fore suffered much by sickness in
other places but we cannot get entirely away from
sickness & death let us go whare we will in this life
for all men must taste of death even those who
were translated had to have a change to Immortality
their may be some pain attending that even if it
was ownly for an instant. Their must be some space
between death & the resurrection sin is the cause of this
evil even death without sin men would have been
Immortal. If I should hear of a God who had made
man to have pain & sorrow without any agency or sin
I could not have any confidence in him, & the Heavens could
not it may be said it is necessary to have sorrow & misery
in order to Enjoy good the Lord when He made the world
knew how to fix things so that man should bring upon
himself death evil & sorrow if he had agency He planted
the tree of knowledge of good Evil in the midst of the
garden little children did not commit sin but their
parents did it was not our own sins that brought death
but the sin of our first parents death being introduced
into the world we all partake of it if we had not the great
plan of salvation revealed we should be without law
if it was not for revelation we should not know that
we had an Immortal spirit within us we should take
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," October 9, 1851 - October 19, 1851, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/DkAk