Day in the Life

Oct 19, 1851

Journal Entry

October 19, 1851 ~ Sunday

Sunday 20th [19th] Oct. Elder O Pratt spoke upon the death
of Sister Hendricks. He was thankful we as a people were
settelled in these vallies of the Mountains whare it was
Healthy we have here to fore suffered much by sickness in
other places but we cannot get entirely away from
sickness & death let us go whare we will in this life
for all men must taste of death, even those who
were translated had to have a change to Immortality
their may be some pain attending that even if it
was ownly for an instant. Their must be some space
between death & the resurrection sin is the cause of this
evil even death without sin man would have been
Immortal. If I should hear of a God who had made
man to have pain & sorrow without any Agency or sin
I could not have any confidence in him, & the Heavens could
not it may be said it is necessary to have sorrow & misery
in order to enjoy good the Lord when He made the world
knew how to fix things so that man should Bring upon
himself death evil & sorrow if He had a[gen]cy. He planted
the tree of knowledge of good & Evil in the midst of the
garden little children did not commit sin but their
parents did it was not our own sins that Brought death
but the sin of our first parents death being introduced
into the world we all partake of it [Romans 5:12] if we had not the great
plan of salvation Revealed we should be without law
if it was not for Revelation we should not know that
we had an Immortal spirit within us. we should take

care of the spirit as well as our Bodies the spirit needs taking
care of as well as the Body the spirit is a Being that
possesses certain capacities that are as Eternal as
God himself that were never given to it I do not believe
that any matter that ever saw the time that it could not love
hate fear &c can ever do it again but I believe it is Eternal
the formation may not be Eternal but the substance of which
it is composed is Eternal the capacities may be enlarged but
its capacity always exhisted their may be a time when our
spirits had a begining of formation but the capacity always
exhisted the Infant at first appeared as a blank page but
that spirit before it came here was full of knowledge as was
the case with the Babe of Bethlehe Jesus Christ He had wisdom
to construct worlds before He came here but had now descended
below all things came from His Fathers throne but his knowledge
power & wisdom was laid aside & nothing but the bare capacity
was left can any man remember the first month of his
life in the flesh No Neither can you remember the time
of your exhistance or doings before you came here this
is to prove men if they will prove faithful while this know
led[g]e is taken from them in infancy childhood & manhood
life & Death if one man Jesus Christ can ascend &
overcome all things so can another. If we find anything
that is good lovely, virtueous, good, exhalted then let
us lay hold of it untill we are exhaulted then the spirit
will adorn the body & do away with many of the Evils
of the fall their is sumthing in the countena[n]ce of a
man who takes care of his spirit that is glorious
& good the Lord made the spirit of man according to the
plan devised in his wisdom but this was made of
Eternal substance of many beings composed in orse
in ourselves brought together into one & Gems given to our
spirits then let us take care of our spirits. many thing
may be said about the object of our bodies & spirits they
are destined to arise in glory Exhaltation And Eternal
then let us take care of our bodies & spirits we have
our minds filled with the cares of life & yet when
we die we have to leave all our temporal affairs it
seems to be the object of God that we should earn
our bread by the sweat of the brow if this was not
the case we might be Idle which would produce more
evil than it would to labour if we improve our time
we shall get glory that we should not get if
we were Idle for when we die the knowledge
we have gained will be of benefit to us we cannot
get a fulness of Glory while our spirit & body is
seperated we may think reflect & know right
from wrong but we cannot act as in the body we
shall look for the resurrection of the body with much
interest & great anxiety if it was not for the resurrection
of the body we should be subject to the devil & death
temporal & spiritual those who kept the celestial law
will be redeemed from all sin & death restored to
God and all blessings their is for man such will have
Joy in paradice. Joseph says if we keep the law we shall

we shall have a celestial paradice & our spirits return
& hunt up our bodies & enter it again with a fulness of
celestial spirit. How will the Resurrection be brought
to pass & when will be the different times of the resurrection
the good ^{and bad}^ will arise before those who die after the Resurrection
of Christ the good did arise at the Resurrection of Christ
we find mummies in the chaatacombs of Egypt who died
long before christ arose who remain yet some saints in
Asia & America did arise & appear unto many. I do not
beliveeve the resurrection will take place by being born again
as the doctrin of some is. I would not believe it for the world
unless President Young was to say the Lord had revealed
it to him. I Believe the Saints will arise out of their
graves as Ezekiel said they would. [Ezekiel 37:12] The Resurrection
will take place Before the son of Man comes as the scriptures
declair. Before He comes their shall be a great sign appear
in Heaven all the Nations of the Earth shall see it together
An Angel shall sound his trump that all Nations will
Hear it saying that Babylon will be burned then after
half an hour of silence the veil of the covering will be
taken off the face of Heaven will be revealed & the
face of the Lord will be unveiled and the graves of the
Saints will be open & the Saints on the Earth will be caught
up to meet the Lord this is the first Resurrection the
Zion of Enoch will also Appear & dwell on the Earth [Moses 7:62-63]
the Saints will then receive their Everlasting inher
itances. Joseph got a promise from the Lord that
He should have a right to an inheritance in the Nauvoo
forever. if the Saints do not get their possess[ions]
by covenant as Abram did Canaan or Joseph
Nauvoo their will be Judges Appointed to give evry
man his inheritances for an Everlasting inheritance
then comes the time when Joseph and all will receive
their keys & turn them to the saints in this dispensation
& reveal the mysteries of Eternity to the Saints who
have their celetstial Bodies they will be qualifyed
to receive a fulness of celestial glory & spirit & will
receive all they can Endure but they will grow to
all Eternity in knowledge & power will the Saints be
confined to this Earth? No they will be caught up
& not die & lie in the dust. Jesus will have a Throne
in Jerrusalem & the Saints will have thrones on the
Earth but they will go to other worlds or in the Heavens
& all will be free. Adam will give instructions concer[ning]
the garden of Eden we will go on foreign missions
to visit other worlds we shall also remember our works
in this life & inasmuch as they have been good it will
be a consolation to reflect upon them

I Baptized Sister Foss & family & my own family & confirmed
them 9 in all.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

244 mentions
Scriptural Figure
296 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3466 mentions
Apostle, Family
Elizabeth Hendricks
abt. 1827-aft. 1850
86 mentions
Scriptural Figure
48 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1087 mentions
Foss, Sarah Brackett Carter
30 Sep 1800 - 4 Mar 1894
185 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

If the Lord had given all men all they have asked for they would many of them been out of the Church now I have herd many say I have Asked the Lord to reveal certain principls unto me & He did not do it but this is because it was not wisdom to give it unto you but if you are faithful the day will come when God will give any man what he asks for if he asks for it in righteousness. I believe the Lord loves this people & is preparing us to recieve all good things
~ Orson Pratt
If we find anything that is good lovely, virtueous, good, exhalted then let us lay hold of it untill we are exhaulted then the spirit will adorn the body & do away with many of the Evils of the fall their is sumthing in the countena[n]ce of a man who takes care of his spirit that is glorious & good the Lord made the spirit of man according to the plan devised in his wisdom but this was made of Eternal substance
~ Orson Pratt
many thing may be said about the object of our bodies & spirits they are destined to arise in glory Exhaltation And Eternal life then let us take care of our bodies & spirits
~ Orson Pratt
many thing may be said about the object of our bodies & spirits they are destined to arise in glory Exhaltation And Eternal life then let us take care of our bodies & spirits
~ Orson Pratt
it seems to be the object of God that we should earn our bread by the sweat of the brow if this was not the case we might be Idle which would produce more evil than it would to labour if we improve our time we shall get glory that we should not get if we were Idle
~ Orson Pratt
many thing may be said about the object of our bodies & spirits they are destined to arise in glory Exhaltation And Eternal life then let us take care of our bodies & spirits
~ Orson Pratt
it seems to be the object of God that we should earn our bread by the sweat of the brow if this was not the case we might be Idle which would produce more evil than it would to labour if we improve our time we shall get glory that we should not get if we were Idle
~ Orson Pratt
many thing may be said about the object of our bodies & spirits they are destined to arise in glory Exhaltation And Eternal life then let us take care of our bodies & spirits
~ Orson Pratt
it seems to be the object of God that we should earn our bread by the sweat of the brow if this was not the case we might be Idle which would produce more evil than it would to labour if we improve our time we shall get glory that we should not get if we were Idle
~ Orson Pratt
we cannot get a fulness of Glory while our spirit & body is seperated we may think reflect & know right from wrong but we cannot act as in the body we shall look for the resurrection of the body with much interest & great anxiety
~ Orson Pratt
those who kept the celestial law will be redeemed from all sin & death restored to God and all blessings their is for man such will have Joy in paradice.
~ Orson Pratt
I believe the Saints will arise out of their graves as Ezekiel said they would. The Resurrection will take place before the son of Man comes as the scriptures declair. Before He comes their shall be a great sign appear in Heaven all the Nations of the Earth shall see it together An Angel shall sound his trump that all Nations will hear it saying that Babylon will be burned then after half an hour of silence the veil of the covering will be taken off the face of Heaven will be revealed & the face of the Lord will be unveiled and the graves of the Saints will be open & the Saints on the Earth will be caught up to meet the Lord this is the first Resurrection the Zion of Enoch will also appear & dwell on the Earth the Saints will then receive their Everlasting inher itances
~ Orson Pratt
I believe the Saints will arise out of their graves as Ezekiel said they would. The Resurrection will take place before the son of Man comes as the scriptures declair. Before He comes their shall be a great sign appear in Heaven all the Nations of the Earth shall see it together An Angel shall sound his trump that all Nations will hear it saying that Babylon will be burned then after half an hour of silence the veil of the covering will be taken off the face of Heaven will be revealed & the face of the Lord will be unveiled and the graves of the Saints will be open & the Saints on the Earth will be caught up to meet the Lord this is the first Resurrection the Zion of Enoch will also appear & dwell on the Earth the Saints will then receive their Everlasting inher itances
~ Orson Pratt
then comes the time when Joseph and all will receive their keys & turn them to the saints in this dispensation & reveal the mysteries of Eternity to the Saints who have their celestial bodies they will be qualifyed to receive a fulness of celestial glory & spirit & will receive all they can Endure but they will grow to all Eternity in knowledge & power
~ Orson Pratt
Jesus will have a Throne in Jerrusalem & the Saints will have thrones on the Earth but they will go to other worlds or in the Heavens & all will be free Adam will give instructions concerning the garden of Eden we will go on foreign missions to visit other worlds we shall also remember our works in this life & inasmuch as they have been good it will be a consolation to reflect upon them
~ Orson Pratt


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Publication of the Manuscript History of the Church begins in the Deseret News.

Oct 19, 1851