8 I wrote [FIGURE] Letters to Sarah
sent $10 to Newton & to [Nov sighning]
register sent one $1 for the
Oct Numbr of Vol 33 I wrote
to Wilford I recd one letter [FIGURE] from Joseph H Felt
Jan 7, 1884
I have written from Jan 1 to 6 By mistake before suming
up my Labors for 1883. I Attended the sabbath school
union Meeting on Monday night we had a vary interesting
Meeting speeches made By G Q Cannon & W Woodruff
9 [FIGURE] I met in council with President Taylor &
council with Br Folsome about the Manner of finishing
of the Manti Temple I received 2 letters from Sarah
& Charles Kelley I received 1 Letter from Joseph H Felt
[FIGURE] I wrote Letter to Wilford I bought the following
suits of clothes Wilford $9, Elias $6, Owen $10,
Wilford Beatie $9, total $34.
11 [FIGURE] I wrote4 Letters to Bishop Farrell sent an
order for 20 tons of Hay for himself I included
a letter to Sarah & sent her a card to return
I wrote to Susan & sent her $5 for her own use
Lorenzo Snow called at our house and gave an
Account of his great family Gathering that is to be
I wrote to Phillip Boyer on sealing see copy Book
Select a date to see more documents from that day.