Courtesy Of

Church History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Collection Name Wilford Woodruff collection, 1830-1898
Collection Description Daybook, 1883 December 6-1884 May 3
Collection Number MS 5506
Collection Page 1-85
Source Link The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Rights and Use Copyright and Use Information
Transcript View Full Transcript


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned in this document.

2 mentions
Betsey Cossett Alvord
19 Jan 1805 - 16 Feb 1884
98 mentions
2 mentions
John Andrews
24 Nov 1816 - 17 Jul 1888
4 mentions
2 mentions
4 mentions

Peter Barton
20 mentions
Wilford Woodruff Beatie
20 Dec 1872 - 2 Oct 1964
25 mentions
Clara Martisha Woodruff Beebe
23 Jul 1868 - 29 Dec 1927
329 mentions
Richard Bentley
1 Oct 1820 - 24 Mar 1906
23 mentions
8 mentions
Jacob G. Bigler
4 Apr 1813 - 23 Feb 1907
22 mentions
James Godson Bleak
15 Nov 1829 - 30 Jan 1918
372 mentions
1 mention
3 mentions
Robert Taylor Burton
25 Oct 1821 - 11 Nov 1907
107 mentions
Anson Call
13 May 1810 - 31 Aug 1890
18 mentions
Abraham Hoagland Cannon
12 Mar 1859 - 19 Jul 1896
104 mentions
Angus Munn Cannon
17 May 1834 - 7 Jun 1915
168 mentions
David Henry Cannon
23 Apr 1838 - 24 Dec 1924
124 mentions
George Quayle Cannon
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
1840 mentions
26 mentions
3 mentions
Charles Ora Card
5 Nov 1839 - 9 Sep 1906
129 mentions
19 mentions
Sarah Fabyan Carter
8 Apr 1775 - 24 Jul 1845
84 mentions
13 mentions
Zebedee Coltrin
7 Sep 1804 - 21 Jul 1887
37 mentions
Matthias Foss Cowley
25 Aug 1858 - 16 Jun 1940
33 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
James Crane
12 mentions
George Crook
23 Sep 1829 - 21 Mar 1890
3 mentions
Historical Figure
25 mentions
3 mentions
1 mention
7 mentions
9 mentions
Native American
9 mentions
George Eyre
7 mentions
Henry Eyring
9 Mar 1835 - 10 Feb 1902
61 mentions
Moses Franklin Farnsworth
5 Feb 1834 - 25 Feb 1906
131 mentions
Joseph Henry Felt
9 May 1840 - 15 Jun 1907
16 mentions
46 mentions
2 mentions
Phebe Carter Foss Sessions
2 Nov 1831 - 25 Jul 1913
19 mentions
Sarah Elizabeth Foss Cowley Fox
26 Dec 1827 - 14 Jun 1899
29 mentions
2 mentions
Jacob Gates
9 Mar 1811 - 14 Apr 1892
58 mentions
Zion's Camp
2 mentions
George Goddard
5 Dec 1815 - 12 Jan 1899
63 mentions
Heber Sutton Goddard
25 Sep 1863 - 15 Dec 1904
2 mentions
2 mentions
17 mentions
Heber Jeddy Grant
22 Nov 1856 - 14 May 1945
200 mentions
2 mentions
Joel Grover
3 mentions
Jacob Hamblin
2 Apr 1819 - 30 Aug 1886
42 mentions
Leonard Wilford Hardy
31 Dec 1805 - 31 Jul 1884
199 mentions
Samuel Brocklebank Hardy
21 Sep 1804 - 9 Sep 1899
41 mentions
48 mentions
42 mentions
34 mentions
2 mentions
Melinda Woodruff Hatch
15 Dec 1826 - 29 Mar 1893
54 mentions
7 mentions
3 mentions
25 mentions
1 mention
Joseph Leland Heywood
1 Aug 1815 - 16 Oct 1910
69 mentions
Arza Erastus Hinckley
15 Aug 1826 - 18 Feb 1901
43 mentions
2 mentions
1 mention
John Jaques
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
365 mentions
Soren Jensen
1 mention
1 mention
Thomas Judd
1 Sep 1845 - 7 Jun 1922
13 mentions
5 mentions
2 mentions
William Laney
5 mentions
2 mentions
5 mentions
Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner
9 Apr 1818 - 17 Dec 1913
8 mentions
2 mentions
2 mentions
Amasa Mason Lyman
30 Mar 1813 - 4 Feb 1877
237 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp
Francis Marion Lyman
12 Jan 1840 - 16 Nov 1916
209 mentions
81 mentions
John Daniel Thompson McAllister
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
508 mentions
Daniel Duncan McArthur
8 Apr 1820 - 3 Jun 1908
82 mentions
Edward Meeks McArthur
20 Mar 1860 - 8 Jun 1915
5 mentions
Ida Foss Woolley McArthur
10 Jan 1861 - 29 Oct 1941
4 mentions
James McKnight
8 Jun 1830 - 4 Oct 1908
12 mentions
2 mentions
Jesse Tilton Moses, b. 1848
9 May 1848 - 26 Feb 1928
99 mentions
1 mention
13 mentions
Joseph Bates Noble
14 Jan 1810 - 17 Aug 1900
43 mentions
Leonard John Nuttall
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
353 mentions
151 mentions
Charles William Penrose
4 Feb 1832 - 16 May 1925
138 mentions
12 mentions
8 mentions
Ethan Pettet
3 mentions
Milando Merrill Pratt
30 Sep 1848 - 8 Nov 1930
19 mentions
William Bowker Preston
24 Nov 1830 - 2 Aug 1908
138 mentions
1 mention
45 mentions
1 mention
Charles Coulson Rich
21 Aug 1809 - 17 Nov 1883
305 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp
Franklin Dewey Richards
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
670 mentions
Henry Phinehas Richards
30 Nov 1831 - 29 Oct 1912
7 mentions
Samuel Whitney Richards
9 Aug 1824 - 26 Nov 1909
99 mentions
Silas Richards
18 Dec 1807 - 17 Mar 1884
15 mentions
1 mention
22 mentions
Susan Cornelia Woodruff Scholes
25 Jul 1843 - 6 Oct 1897
296 mentions
2 mentions
John Sharp
9 Nov 1820 - 23 Dec 1891
60 mentions
7 mentions
Charles Smith
7 mentions
Elias Smith, b. 1804
6 Sep 1804 - 24 Jun 1888
167 mentions
Jesse Nathaniel Smith
2 Dec 1834 - 5 Jun 1906
130 mentions
Joseph Fielding Smith
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
3756 mentions
Lot Smith
15 May 1830 - 21 Jun 1892
336 mentions
Samuel Smith
11 Jun 1807 - 28 Jun 1850
45 mentions
Family, 1835 Southern Convert
1 mention
15 mentions
Erastus Snow
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
585 mentions
Leslie Woodruff Snow
6 Feb 1862 - 28 Nov 1935
134 mentions
Lorenzo Snow
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
586 mentions
Apostle, Family
Oliver G. Snow
20 Feb 1849 - 13 Aug 1931
9 mentions
Phebe Amelia Woodruff Snow
4 Mar 1842 - 15 Feb 1919
305 mentions
John Spiers
19 Feb 1822 - 12 Nov 1895
18 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
1 mention
James Sylvester
4 Sep 1815 - 19 May 1888
4 mentions
John Taylor, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1694 mentions
John Whittaker Taylor
15 May 1858 - 10 Oct 1916
118 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Joseph Edward Taylor
11 Dec 1830 - 13 Feb 1913
56 mentions
14 mentions
Francis Charles Teasdale
17 Oct 1860 - 13 Jun 1898
2 mentions
George Teasdale
8 Dec 1831 - 9 Jul 1907
506 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Ammon Meshach Tenney
16 Nov 1844 - 28 Oct 1925
224 mentions
William Henry Thompson
1 May 1838 - 3 Apr 1922
193 mentions
2 mentions
98 mentions
David Ward
4 mentions
Daniel Hanmer Wells
27 Oct 1814 - 24 Mar 1891
662 mentions
Junius Free Wells
1 Jun 1854 - 15 Apr 1930
74 mentions
Orson Kimball Whitney
20 Jan 1830 - 31 Jul 1884
7 mentions
9 mentions
5 mentions
3 mentions
Abraham Owen Woodruff
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jul 1904
384 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Asahel Hart Woodruff, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
549 mentions
Azmon Woodruff, b. 1802
29 Nov 1802 - 14 Jan 1889
318 mentions
Beulah Augusta Woodruff Beatie
19 Jul 1851 - 13 Jan 1905
223 mentions
David Patten Woodruff
4 Apr 1854 - 20 Jan 1937
196 mentions
Emma Manella Woodruff Woodruff
4 Jul 1860 - 30 Nov 1905
203 mentions
Emma Smith Woodruff
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
741 mentions
Fanny Lloyd Woodruff
14 Oct 1849 - 8 May 1931
11 mentions
James Jackson Woodruff
25 May 1847 - 8 Dec 1927
80 mentions
John Henry Woodruff
26 Aug 1857 - 4 Jan 1923
9 mentions
Newton Woodruff, b. 1863
3 Nov 1863 - 21 Jan 1960
118 mentions
Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1447 mentions
Phoebe Arabell Woodruff Moses
30 May 1859 - 7 Sep 1939
137 mentions
Sarah Brown Woodruff
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
545 mentions
Sarah Delight Stocking Woodruff
26 Jun 1838 - 28 May 1906
129 mentions
Sylvia Melvina Woodruff Thompson
14 Jan 1862 - 8 Aug 1940
113 mentions
Wilford Woodruff (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
605 mentions
Brigham Young (Jr.)
18 Dec 1836 - 11 Apr 1903
509 mentions
John Willard Young
1 Oct 1844 - 11 Feb 1924
284 mentions
Lorenzo Dow Young
19 Oct 1807 - 21 Nov 1895
103 mentions
Mary Van Cott Cobb Young
2 Feb 1844 - 5 Jan 1884
7 mentions
Seymour Bicknell Young
8 Oct 1837 - 15 Dec 1924
67 mentions


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