Moroni the Lamanite spok
to the people 10 M[inutes] {shorthand}
Temple Affairs read
~ Wednesday
23F. D. Richards came into the office to day to begin to work
as assistant Historian I attended the lecture of Mrs Faithful
which was vary interesting she Afterword proved a trator
~ Friday
Jan 25 1884
I spent the day in the office writing Br Richards also
~ Saturday
26 I took cars with Mrs Woodruff & rode to Ogden
& to Brigham City to Attend the Quarterly Conference 60 Miles
It was vary cold and but few Present The Bishops
Made a verbal report. I stoped with my Daughter
Phebe I dined with her Afternoon Prayer By Bishop Parr
Bishop Still report. Oliver Snow spoke 15 Minutes
W Woodruff 45 Minutes. I spent the night at Phebes
~ Sunday
27 Sunday Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Brother
Dewey. Seymour B Young spoke 50 Minutes W Woodruff 40 minutes
Afternoon Moroni the Lamanite spoke to the people
W Woodruff spoke one Hour and 22 Minutes. Br Gill
spoke 5 Minutes. At the close of the Meeting W Woodruff
Ordained 1 Patriarch (John D Gibbs.), 1 High Council
6 High Priests, 15 Seventies, 1 Bishop, 2 Councillors to the
Bishop. W Woodruff Also Assisted in ordaining 6 High Priests
L Snow Mouth & 15 seventies S. B. Young Mouth at the same time
L Snow & Oliver Snow ordained 15 seventies there
was 53 ordinations in all I dined with Br Snow
I Attended a Meeting in the Evening with the young People
The House was full. There were two Essay read
written for a Premium the first Essay read got
the Premium Br Box was the author W Woodruff spok
45 Minutes S. B. Young 15 Minutes. I spent the night at Phebes
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