when we met, we both told our impressions, and it caused us
to wonder and marvel and wonder, what the Lord wanted of
us in Rhode Island; but as we had made preparations
to move to the West, we let outward circumstances control us,
and Jonah-like, instead of going to Rhode Island, we went
to Richland, Oswego Co., New York, and there remained until the29th day of , before ^when^ I heard Elder Zerah Pulsiper
and Elijah Cheeny preach. My brother Azmon and I believed
their testimony, andinvited ^entertained^ the Elders home and offered our-
selves for baptism the first sermon we heard. We read the book of Mormon and I received a testimony that it was
I learned that Elders Sam. H. Smith and Orson Hydewere had preached in Rhode island in 1832, which accounted for the reason We soon learned what the Lord wanted of us in Rhode
Island, for at the time we were warned of the Lord to go there,
two of the Elders of the Latter day Saints were preaching there,
and had we gone, we certainly should have embraced the
work at that time, butas it waswe had to wait for the next call.
, I was baptized by Elder Zerah Pulsipher; and ^he^
confirmed ^me^ the same evening.
I was ordained to the office of a Teacher,
and my Eldest brother, Azmon, an Elder, and a small branch organized
of 12 members by Elder Pulsipher.
In Feby. following, in company with Elder Holton, I walked
some 60 miles to the town of Fabius to attend an evening meeting
of the saints in that place where Elder Pulsipher was presiding; I
saw the book of commandments or revelations given through Joseph Smith,
and I believed them with all my heart and rejoiced therein, and after
spending several days with them, and holding several meetings, we returned
home rejoicing. ¶ During the winter, we were visited by several of the
Elders among whom was Elder Harry Brown; Heagainwho called upon us again about Feby 1st, accompanied by Elder Parley P. Pratt
called upon us and instructed the branch,he spoke till near midnight
when we met, we both told our impressions, and it caused us
to marvel and wonder, what the Lord wanted of
us in Rhode Island; but as we had made preparations
to move to the West, we let outward circumstances control us,
and Jonah-like, instead of going to Rhode Island, we went
to Richland, Oswego Co., New York, and there remained until
Dec., 29, 1833, when I heard Elder Zerah Pulsiper
and Elijah Cheeny preach. My brother Azmon and I believed
their testimony, entertained the Elders and offered ourselves for baptism the first sermon we heard. We read the
book of Mormon and I received a testimony that it was
We soon learned what the Lord wanted of us in Rhode
Island, for at the time we were warned to go there,
two of the Elders were preaching there,
and had we gone, we should have embraced the
work at that time,
Dec. 31, I was baptized by Elder Zerah Pulsipher; he
confirmed me the same evening.
Jan. 2, 1834 I was ordained a Teacher,
and my brother, Azmon, an Elder, and a small branch organized
of 12 members by Elder Pulsipher.
In Feby. following, in company with Elder Holton, I walked
some 60 miles to the town of Fabius to attend an evening meeting
of the saints in that place where Elder Pulsipher was presiding; I
saw the book of commandments or revelations given through Joseph Smith,
and I believed them with all my heart and rejoiced therein, and after
spending several days, and holding several meetings, we returned
home rejoicing. ¶ During the winter, we were visited by several of the
Feby 1st, Elder Parley P. Pratt
called upon us and instructed the branch till midnight
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