I committed him into the hands of God; and the
family promised to do all in their power to make him
comfortable; I parted with ^from^ him with a heavy heart.
Sep. On the , Novr. I continued my journey with
Father Coltrin to Cleveland, Ohio, I there took steamer on the
for Buffalo; had a severe gale and did not reach
Buffalo until the . I traveled to Albany on a canal
boat, had the ague daily, was very sick, had no com-
panion except a sectarian priests who wasere daily lying
lying about the Mormons. I took stage at Albany
for Farmington Ct. on the night of the , and rode all
night and the following day, suffered severely with fever
and ague; I arrived at my father's house in Farmington on
the , quite sick; I found my father and family all well.
On the , my Maternal Grand-mother, Anna Thompson, died aged 84; I was too sick to attend
her funeral. It is a singular incident, that my Grandfather
, Lot Thompson, and Anna Thompson, his wife, Samuel Thompson
and Mercy Thompson all of one family died in their 84
th year.
On the , Adnera Hart, died, bro^ther^ to my step mother, ^died,^ aged 43, he requested me to preach his funeral
sermon; I had been sick at my father's house with the
ague for fifteen days, attended with a severe cough, and
the hour appointed for the funeral to take place was the
time for my ague, yet I gave out the appointment,
attended the funeral, and preached, an hour and a half
and I had no more ague for many days,. I left on
the , [blank] and visited New York, Long Island, ^&^ New
Jersey; but was in very poor health.
, I assisted Elders Clark, Wright and Mulliner
to set sail for England. Elder John Taylor, ^had^ recovered from
his sickness, and arrived in New York on the r,
I committed him into the hands of God; and the
family promised to do all in their power to make him
comfortable; I parted from him with a heavy heart.
Sep. 2nd,. I continued my journey with
Father Coltrin to Cleveland, Ohio, I there took steamer on the
10th for Buffalo; had a severe gale and did not reach
Buffalo until the 12th. I traveled to Albany on a canal
boat, had the ague daily, was very sick, had no companion except sectarian priests who were daily
lying about the Mormons. I took stage at Albany
for Farmington Ct. on the night of the 19th, and rode all
night and the following day, suffered severely with fever
and ague; I arrived at my father's house in Farmington on
the 21st, quite sick; I found my father and family well.
On the 27th Sep., 1839, my Maternal Grand-mother,
Anna Thompson, died aged 84; I was too sick to attend
her funeral. It is a singular incident, that my Grandfather
, Lot Thompson, and Anna Thompson, his wife, Samuel Thompson
and Mercy Thompson all of one family died in their 84
th year.
On the 4th October, Adna Hart,, brother to my
step mother, died, aged 43, he requested me to preach his funeral
sermon; I had been sick at my father's house with the
ague for fifteen days, attended with a severe cough, and
the hour appointed for the funeral was the
time for my ague, yet I
attended the funeral, and preached,
and I had no more ague for many days. I left on
the 7th, [blank] and visited New York, Long Island, & New
Jersey; in very poor health.
Nov 1st, I assisted Elders Clark, Wright and Mulliner
to set sail for England. Elder John Taylor, had recovered from
his sickness, and arrived in New York on the 13th Decr,
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