On the , Decr in company with Elders John Taylor
& Theodore Turley I went on board the packet ship "Oxford"
and sailed for Liverpool, where I landed , in
good health and spirits. When I left my Father, he gave me
some money to assist in paying my passage, also gave me
five dollars which he requested me to keep until I arrived
in Liverpool, saying, I would there need it; this I found
to be true after landing; that money was all we had
to pay our expenses to Preston; and we had two pence left.
We arrived in Preston on the had a happy interview
with Bro. Willard Richards; held a council and agreed
that Elder Taylor go to Liver-pool, Turley to Birmingham
and I go to Staffordshire Potteries.
, I arrived in Manchester; met Elder Wm. Clayton
who presided over that branch, numbering 164 members, I
was immediately called upon to visit a woman possessed
with the Devil; she was raging and foaming, and had
to be held by four men, the more we rebuked the Devil the
worse she raged; we continued to pray and administer
until we conquered and cast the Devil out of her, she
arose and gave thanks to the Lord. The Devil then entered
into a young child and we cast the Devil ^him^ out of the child. I preached several times and laid hands on
twenty eight persons. I then went to Burslem on the
and met with Elder Alfred Cordon, President of the Burslem
branch, which numbered 66. I commenced preaching in
the Staffordshire Potteries, Elder Taylor^urley^ left for Birmingham
on the . I remained in the Potteries some forty days, preaching daily, baptizing, confirming and blessing children.
On the 1st as I met in the evening with a
large assembly in Hanly, the Lord revealed unto me
that it would be the last time meeting that I would hold
with the Saints in the Potteries for many days; I told
19th, in company with Elders John Taylor
& Theodore Turley I went on board the packet ship "Oxford"
and sailed for Liverpool, where I landed January 11th, 1840, in
good health and spirits. When I left my Father, he gave me
some money to assist in paying my passage, also gave me
five dollars which he requested me to keep until I arrived
in Liverpool, saying, I would there need it; this I found
to be true after landing; that money was all we had
to pay our expenses to Preston; and we had two pence left.
We arrived in Preston on the 13th had a happy interview
with Bro. Willard Richards; held a council and agreed
that Elder Taylor go to Liver-pool, Turley to Birmingham
and I go to Staffordshire Potteries.
18th, I arrived in Manchester; met Elder Wm. Clayton
who presided over that branch, numbering 164 members, I
was immediately called upon to visit a woman possessed
with the Devil; she was raging and foaming, and had
to be held by four men, the more we rebuked the Devil the
worse she raged; we continued to pray and administer
until we conquered and cast the Devil out, she
arose and gave thanks to the Lord. The Devil then entered
into a young child and we cast him out
. I preached several times and laid hands on
twenty eight persons. I went to Burslem on the 21st
and met with Elder Alfred Cordon, President of the Burslem
branch, which numbered 66. I commenced preaching in
the Staffordshire Potteries, Elder Turley left for Birmingham
on the 29th. I remained in the Potteries some forty days, preaching
, baptizing, confirming and blessing children.
March 1, as I met in the evening with a
large assembly in Hanly, the Lord revealed unto me
that it would be the last meeting that I would hold
with the Saints in the Potteries for many days; I told
Select a date to see more documents from that day.